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词汇 barked
例句 The captain barked at the crew.船长厉声地对船员训话。The dog reared its head and barked.那条狗仰起头汪汪地叫。He barked his shins painfully on the metal edge of a wastebasket.他的小腿让废纸篓的金属边划破了,疼得很。A small dog barked at a seagull he was chasing.小狗对着它正在追赶的一只海鸥吠叫。The dog barked noisily.那只狗闹人地吠叫He barked his knee in the fall.他摔倒时擦伤了膝盖。A policeman held his gun in both hands and barked an order.一个警察双手端枪,厉声喝令。To his dismay, the dog suddenly barked.使他惊愕的是,狗突然吠叫起来。The captain barked orders/commands to the crew.船长厉声向船员们下达了指令。I barked my knuckles fixing my bike.我在修理自行车时擦破了指关节处的皮。Somewhere a dog barked and, like lightning, the cat darted into some bushes.不知哪个地方有只狗一吠,猫就像闪电般冲入了灌木丛。The dog barked and barked.那只狗不停地叫。There was a one-to-one correspondence between the number of times the bell rang and the number of times the dog barked.铃声每响一次那只狗就叫一次。He barked timidly and pawed the door.它胆怯地吠叫着,爪子扒着门。I barked my shin against the step.我在台阶上蹭破了胫部。The pedlars barked their wares persistently.小贩们一个劲儿大声叫卖货物。He barked out orders as he left.他离开时大声下达命令。A dog barked at a seagull.一条狗对着一只海鸥吠叫。The dog barked loudly at the stranger.狗对着那个陌生人狂吠。The captain barked out an order to the crew.船长厉声向船员们下达了一道指令。He barked the squad to attention.他厉声命令全班兵士立正。




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