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词汇 put down
例句 We've put down two dozen bottles of port.我们已贮存了两打甜葡萄酒。I put down the phone and the next minute it rang again.我放下电话,它马上又响了起来。The farmer had put down some rat poison.那个农夫投放了一些灭鼠药。I put down my glass.我放下了玻璃杯。The government quickly put down the uprising.政府迅速平息了暴动。He refused to obey police orders to put down his gun.他拒绝听从警察的命令放下枪。Soldiers went in to put down a rebellion.军队出动镇压叛乱。The rebellion was put down and its leaders were executed.叛乱遭到镇压,领导的人也被处决。If a horse breaks its leg, it usually has to be put down.如果马的腿断了通常就得被杀死。He put down a new well in his yard.他在院里新开挖了一口井。His latest book has been severely put down in the newspaper report.新闻报道对他最近的一本书进行了严厉的批评。She put down the phone and went out, her duty done.她放下电话走了出去,已经尽到了责任。The mistake was put down to his inexperience.这次犯错是由于他缺乏经验。We haven't been here long enough to put down roots.我们在这儿还没多久,还未落地生根。Greg's parents are going to give us some money to put down on a car.格雷格的父母打算给我们一些钱以支付购买汽车的订金。Rebellions were put down with appalling barbarity.叛乱以骇人听闻的残暴方式被镇压了。We put down some poisoned bait to kill the rats.我们放了一些毒饵灭鼠。The uprising was brutally put down.起义被残酷地镇压下去了。Charlie's been drinking a lot lately, which I put down to stress at work.查理最近喝酒很多,我将这归因于工作压力。Because of her husband's job, they'd moved too often to put down roots anywhere.因为丈夫工作的关系,他们经常搬家,难以在一个地方扎下根来。She put down her tools and smiled broadly.她放下工具,露出舒心的笑容。The accident must be put down to negligence.那场事故一定是由疏忽大意造成的。The cat was in constant pain so they had it put down.这只猫疼痛不止,他们只好把它人道处理了。We put down a layer of mulch in the rose garden.我们在玫瑰园里铺了一层护根物。The peasants' revolt was put down by the dictator's troops.农民的反叛被独裁者的军队镇压了下去。The army was called in to put down the riots.军队奉召来平息骚乱。We put down a deposit on a house.我们支付了买房子的订金。He was put down as an uneducated man.他被看作是没受过教育的人。I need to put down my thoughts on paper before I forget them.我要把我的想法记在纸上,以免遗忘。He put down his glass of whisky so hard that he chipped the glass.他放下威士忌酒杯时用力太大,把杯子磕掉了一块。We've put down a deposit on a new car.我们已经支付了新车的订金。The waitress whipped the plate away and put down my bill.服务员把盘子撤走,放下了我的账单。Do they put down poison for getting rid of these rats?为消灭老鼠他们下毒了吗?John's hands were quivering as he put down his papers and started his speech.约翰微微颤抖着双手放下稿纸,开始发言。She has put down two bottles of beer at one breath,and everyone got surprised.她一口气喝下两瓶啤酒,每个人都感到吃惊。The MPs put down a motion on the crime figures.议员们提交了一项关于犯罪数字的动议。Let me put down your telephone number.让我把你的电话号码记下来。He put down my box with the breath soughing.他喘着粗气放下了我的箱子。The British soon put down the rebellion.英国很快镇压了那次叛乱。They had to have their dog put down by the vet.他们不得不请兽医为他们的狗实施安乐死。




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