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词汇 put an end to
例句 We fought a revolution to put an end to such iniquities.我们革命的目的是为了终结这样的不公正情况。I flatter myself that this campaign will put an end to the war.我自认为这次战役将结束这场战争。Only a political solution could put an end to the violence.只有政治解决方案才能终结暴力。We expect you to put an end to these terror attacks by your own people.我们希望你们能够终止由你们自己的民众发起的恐怖袭击。There have been continual demands for action by the political authorities to put an end to this situation.各方不断要求政府当局采取行动来结束这种局面。The wind put an end to the pier.大风把码头毁了。We must put an end to their threats.我们必须使他们停止威胁。I'll soon put an end to her silly little games.我会立刻制止她愚蠢的鬼把戏。The discussion was put an end to by his sudden arrival.他的突然来到使讨论终止了。The new mayor vowed to put an end to the violence.新市长发誓要制止暴力。The time has come to put an end to the conflict.结束冲突的时候到了。It's time we put an end to plutocracy.到了该终结财阀统治的时候了。The outbreak of war put an end to their romance.战争的爆发结束了他俩的恋爱。How can we put an end to the fighting?我们怎样才能制止这场打斗呢?A knee injury put an end to his career.膝伤结束了他的职业生涯。Rationing had put an end to a surfeit of biscuits long ago.定量供应很久以前就结束了饼干过剩的状况。The biotech corporations argue that genetically modified crops will put an end to food shortages in the developing world.生物工程公司辩称,转基因作物将会结束发展中国家粮食短缺的状况。Mounted troops were called out to put an end to the disorder in the streets.骑兵部队被召来平息街头的骚乱。An injury like this could put an end to her dancing career.像这样的伤有可能会结束她的舞蹈生涯。Today's announcement should at least put an end to the recent speculation.今天发布的通告应该至少能消除近来的猜测。They are campaigning to put an end to the practice of female circumcision.他们正开展运动,力争废除女性割礼。The sheriff put an end to the killer's reign of terror.这名县治安官结束了这个杀手引起的恐慌。They promise to put an end to unfair policies.他们承诺终止不平等政策。Her sudden arrival put an end to their meeting.她的突然来到使他们的会议终止了。




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