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词汇 purpose
例句 The committee was disbanded after it had fulfilled its purpose. 委员会在达到其目的后就解散了。The party's election propaganda lacked bite and purpose.这个政党的竞选宣传缺乏说服力和目的性。What is the purpose of his visit?他来访的目的是什么? He will remain at Gibraltar for the purpose of meeting any possible contingency arising at Tangier.他会继续留在直布罗陀,以应对丹吉尔可能发生的任何事情。If you joke with him he'll think you're insulting him on purpose.如果你同他开玩笑,他就会认为你在故意侮辱他。Will always pronounces my name wrong. Do you think he does it on purpose?威尔总是把我的姓名读错。你觉得他是故意的吗?She never picked up a newspaper except for the purpose of starting a fire in the wood stove.她只有在给柴炉引火时才会拿起报纸。I haven't got a hammer, but the stone should serve my purpose.我没有锤子,但这块石头该能达到我的目的。Read up on starting a small business. Loans can be obtained for this purpose.好好研究一下如何开办小企业,为此可以获得贷款。The government's avowed intent/purpose/aim is to reduce tax.政府公开宣称的目的是减税。There are special medicated wipes you can get for this purpose.你可以买特别添加药物成分的纸巾来作此用途。The company has recently moved into a new purpose-built factory.公司最近迁入了一个专门建造的新工厂。Their purpose in doing this evades me. 他们这样做的目的我不理解。The art is housed in a purpose-built structure that provides a controlled environment.这件艺术品被放在一个特制的建筑物里,里面的环境是可以调控的。The purpose of conducting a business is to make money.做生意的目的是赚钱。The purpose of the colonies was to enrich the colonists.建立殖民地的目的是让殖民者变得富有。Work begins this week on a purpose-built home for the city's homeless.一所专门为城市的无家可归者建造的收容所本周动工。I knew she hadn't done it on purpose.我知道她不是故意为之。The committee lacked clarity of purpose. 委员会缺乏明确的目标。I put the chair there for a purpose.我特意把椅子放在那儿。They think the fire was started on purpose.他们认为有人故意纵火。He walked into the hall with a stride full of purpose.他果断地迈步走进大厅。It was all to no purpose.这完全徒劳无益。Our purpose is not to do it for you but to teach you to do it by yourself.我们的目的不是替你做这事,而是教会你自己来做。You can buy an all-purpose greetings card, with blank space, for you to write in your own message.你可以买一张多用途贺卡,上面是空白的,可以写上自己的话。His purpose of learning is to be a lawyer.他学习的目的是想当律师。I assure you I came here on purpose to meet you.我向你保证,我是特意来见你的。He slammed the door on purpose.他故意把门砰的一声关上了。The school was founded with the express purpose of teaching deaf children to speak.学校创建时就有明确目的,即教耳聋的孩子学说话。They tried to mask their real purpose.他们尽量掩盖真正的目的。His suggestions have a hidden purpose.他的建议有不可告人的目的。They set off with a renewed unity of purpose.他们带着重新确认一致的目标启程了。She came with the express purpose of causing trouble.她是存心来捣乱的。Fingerless gloves kind of defeated the purpose of wearing gloves at all.戴无指手套根本不顶事。We shared a common purpose. 我们有着共同的目标。The games have an educational purpose.这些游戏寓教于乐。The purpose of this research assignment was to evaluate the role of a person's kinesics in an interview situation.这项研究的目的是评估在面试过程中动作神态所起的作用。I can see no useful purpose in continuing this conversation.我看不到继续这次谈话有任何益处。The restructure has shaken down, and staff are showing a new sense of purpose.改组已经深入人心,员工们表现出一种全新的精神面貌。There is little unity of purpose among the members.成员间缺乏坚定不移的目标。




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