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词汇 pupil
例句 The pupil of the eye was contracted to a minute point.眼睛的瞳孔收缩成一小点。The pupil's exercise was full of rasures.那个小学生的练习到处都是擦抹痕迹。Daniel is the star pupil at school.丹尼尔是学校的明星学生。Every pupil has to learn at least one foreign language.每一位学生都必须至少学一门外语。She's by far the brightest pupil in the form.她是这个年级里最聪明的,远远超越其他学生。There is a large degree of permissiveness in the teacher-pupil relationship.师生关系在很大程度上来说就是要对学生宽容。The teacher reproved the pupil for being late.老师责备学生迟到。As a girl she had been a model pupil.还是个小女孩的时候,她就是一个模范学生。He developed a wide range of sporting interests as a pupil at Millfield.他在米尔菲尔德私立学校上学的时候培养了广泛的运动爱好。The pupil's attention span was short.这个小学生的注意力持续时间很短。Aristotle was Plato's most brilliant pupil.亚里士多德是柏拉图最杰出的门生。The teacher appraised the pupil's drawing.老师评价了那个学生的画。Don't teach over the pupil's heads.讲课的内容不要超过学生的理解力。The painting is believed to be by a pupil of Titian.这幅画被认为是提香的一位门徒所作。She's proving an apt pupil in the finer lifestyle arts.事实证明她在学习如何过一种优雅的生活方面聪明过人。The teacher's task is to help the pupil learn.老师的任务是帮助学生学习。This pupil is indeed a helpless case.这个学生糟得真没治了。The teacher will appoint some pupil to score for both sides.老师会指定某个学生为双方记分。This can cause regression in a pupil's learning process.这可能会使学生在学习过程中退步。Simply marking an answer wrong will not help the pupil to get future examples correct.仅仅在答案上打叉号不会有助于学生做对日后的题目。Both Rimsky-Korsakov and his pupil Stravinsky are renowned composers of classical music.里姆斯基一苛萨科夫和他的弟子斯特拉文斯基都是古典音乐的著名作曲家。The pupil's answers may not have been reflective of what the class as a whole had understood.这个学生的回答也许并不能代表该班级整体的理解。Eleanor was a reluctant, anxious pupil.埃莉诺是个扭捏局促的小学生。Although he had had no formal engineering training he was a natural and willing pupil.虽然他没有接受过正规工科训练,但却是个天生好学的学生。Creative, two-way learning between teacher and pupil can take place.教师和学生之间创造性的双向学习是可以实现的。Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks motivation.杰克是一个很聪明的学生,但缺乏积极性。After his education, Goldschmidt became a pupil of the composer Franz Schreker.学业结束后,戈尔德施米特成了作曲家弗朗兹·施雷克尔的学生。The headmaster patted the pupil on the shoulder.校长轻轻拍拍那个学生的肩膀。Like a teacher with his favourite pupil, I developed a proprietary affection for the calf.像教师对待爱徒一样,我对这头小牛犊也产生了一种主人的钟爱。The tests are only a rough and ready guide to a pupil's future development.这些测试只能大致看出一个学生未来的发展。He's a model pupil.他是位模范生。Her school report described her as a very promising pupil.在她的成绩单中她被描述成一个非常有前途的学生。When the teacher is away, the eldest pupil takes charge of the class.老师不在时,年龄最大的学生接管班级工作。Alice, a sometime pupil of our school, is now a teacher here.艾丽斯,我校以前的学生,现在是这儿的教师。The pupil always dallies over difficult math problems.这个学生做数学难题总是慢慢吞吞。I have a pupil who scored very low in assessments but is keen as mustard.我有一个学生考试成绩很低,但学习热情很高。The teacher gave the pupil a rap on the knuckles with a ruler.教师拿戒尺打这学生的指关节。




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