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词汇 punches
例句 He forced his opponent into the corner and battered him with a series of hard punches.他将对手逼到角落,狠狠地给了他一连串的重拳。James did not pull any punches in his criticism of our work.詹姆斯直截了当地表达了对我们工作的批评。The report pulls no punches in blaming the government for this crisis.这篇报道毫不留情地批评政府对这次危机负有责任。Being an actor isn't easy, but I've learnt to roll with the punches.当一名演员不是件容易的事,但我已经学会了处变不惊。Then we locked horns and went at it like two street fighters trading punches.我们当时像两个街头斗殴者一样挥拳相向,打成一团。Rollins pulled no punches in his memoir, especially when writing about the political system.罗林斯在他的回忆录里直言不讳,尤其在写到政治体制的时候。The heavyweight politician not only knows his strength but punches his weight as well.这个重量级政客不但知晓自己的实力,而且还竭力使他的实力发挥影响。Children would settle disputes by trading punches or insults in the schoolyard.儿童会通过在操场上对打或互骂的方式解决争端。He lost the boxing match because he was telegraphing his punches.他暴露了拳路,因而输掉了拳击赛。The boxer peppered his opponent with punches.那位拳击手不停地猛击对手。Strong industries were able to roll with the punches during the recession.实力雄厚的行业在经济衰退时期灵活应变挺了过来。We need to sort this out before people start throwing punches.我们要在人们开始动武之前把这件事处理好。The tool punches holes in paper.这个工具能在纸张上打孔。The two men squared off, but no punches were thrown.两个男人摆好打斗架势,但是没有人出拳。He pulled his punches to avoid hurting his sparring partner.他收回拳头以免伤到陪练。When he has something bad to say about a movie, he doesn't pull his/any punches. 他对一部影片有什么负面看法时,从来不会嘴下留情。He managed to get a few good punches in before they stopped the fight.在他们停止打架之前,他瞅准机会狠狠地打了几拳。You have to adjust to it and roll with the punches.你必须适应它,积极应对困难。The boxers rained blows/punches on each other. 两位拳击手的拳头雨点般地打向对方。The inquiry report doesn't pull any punches in apportioning blame.调查报告追究起责任来毫不留情。Soon both fighters were a bloody mess of flying punches.很快两个斗士就乱拳挥舞打成了一团,只见到处是血。A few punches were thrown, and then one boy butted the other before a teacher broke up the fight.两人先挥了几拳,接着一个男孩用头顶了另一个,随后老师把他们拉开了。There were air punches as he holed the ball.他击球入洞后频频挥拳庆祝。She expertly blocked all her opponent's punches.她熟练地挡住了所有对手的出拳。They were landing punches pretty even.他们相互拳击对方,不分上下。Very few of his punches went home.他那几拳没几下真正打中要害。Her image is that of an investigative reporter who doesn't pull any punches.她是位专写调查报告的记者,给人的印象是说话从来都直言不讳。They generally pull their punches when offering advice.他们在提出劝告时通常用委婉方式表达。He aimed his punches low.他出拳位置很低。I broke up the argument before they started throwing punches. 我制止了他们的争吵,免得他们挥拳相向。Singapore punches above its weight in the world economy.新加坡在世界经济中的地位堪比一些经济大国。He was hurting Johansson with body punches in the fourth round.第四回合时,他数次挥拳打在约翰松身上。The manager didn't pull his punches at half time.主教练在半场休息时毫不客气地批评了球员。He took several punches to the head.他头上挨了几拳。He has more punches in his arsenal than other boxers.他比其他拳击手出拳花样多。




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