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词汇 bargain
例句 A bargain was struck between the employers and the unions.雇主与工会之间达成了协议。Wood flooring not only cleans easily, but it's environmentally friendly into the bargain.木地板不但容易清扫,并且有利于环保。Last-minute travellers can still find plenty of bargain fares to New York.最后一刻决定出行的游客仍然可以找到大量去纽约的廉价机票。You're allowed to go to the football game tonight, but I expect you to keep your side of the bargain and clean your room.今晚允许你去看橄榄球赛,但是我希望你遵守承诺打扫你的房间。The store has many items on sale at bargain prices.这家商店有许多廉价商品出售。We set certain conditions as part of the bargain.我们规定某些条件作为交易的一部分。He had backslid so far as to bargain with the infidel.他已堕落到和异教徒讨价还价的地步。I picked up a really good bargain in the market.我在集市上买到了一样极为合算的东西。The shop sells books at bargain-basement prices.这家商店低价售书。The bargain we struck with them last year has already been broken.我们在去年与他们达成的协议已被破坏。She has a good nose for a bargain.她特别擅长淘便宜货。I hate it when people try to bargain in secondhand shops.我讨厌人们在旧货商店讨价还价。The law gives workers the right to organize and bargain collectively.法律赋予工人有组织工会和集体谈判的权利。This fabric is bargain-basement.这种织物质量低劣。He tried to bargain with her.他试图与她讨价还价。Fresh salmon is a bargain at the supermarket this week.本周超市的新鲜三文鱼特价。I'll make a bargain with you.我会和你定个协议。I paid a bargain-basement price.我以很低的价格付了款。This coat was half-price - a real bargain.这件大衣是半价买的——真便宜。My mother is a bargain-hunter. 我妈妈是搜罗打折商品的好手。They need hostages in order to bargain with the government.他们要想同政府讨价还价就得有人质。A word to the wise: just because it's a bargain doesn't mean you have to buy it.一点儿忠告:不能仅仅因为便宜你就买。I got this shirt when I was in Indonesia. It was a real bargain.我是在印度尼西亚买这件衬衣的,很合算。You can get even better deals if you're prepared to bargain.如果你准备好谈判,你会得到更好的交易结果。They've agreed to turn the land over to the state, and the state, as its part of the bargain, has agreed to keep it undeveloped.他们同意把这块土地转交给州政府;同时,作为协议的一部分,州政府同意不对其进行开发。Her part of the bargain was to provide the food.说好了她的责任是提供食物。At this price the wine is a bargain.这种葡萄酒卖这个价格真是便宜。Universities will have to bargain individual agreements.大学将不得不通过个别谈判来达成协议。They had planned to bargain his life for their freedom.他们原来的计划是用他的生命做交易换取他们的自由。She kept her side of the bargain/deal. 她遵守了协议。She knew of a place where designer clothes were to be had at bargain prices.她知道有一个地方可以廉价买到名师设计的服装。He haggled the price down to half what was originally asked and later proudly showed his bargain to his friends.他把价格砍到了最初要价的一半,后来还得意地向朋友们显摆自己的斩获。He duly performed his own half of the bargain and expected the others to do likewise.他充分地履行了协议要求自己做的事,并且希望他人也能这样做。They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.他们宁愿跟单个客户为现金讨价还价。The company is believed to have struck a hard bargain.人们相信该公司在谈判过程中狠狠地迫对方就范了。I think everyone involved was satisfied with the bargain we made.我认为每个参与的人都对我们达成的协议感到满意。I did not bargain for her coming too.我没料到她也会来。We made a bargain on the spot that I would do the work and he would supply the money.我们当场讲定,工作我来做而资金由他提供。The two sides made a bargain to cease fire.双方达成了停火的协议。I got a bargain on the plane tickets. = The plane tickets were a bargain.我买到了便宜的机票。




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