例句 |
Unsold novels are sent to be pulped.没有卖掉的小说送去化成纸浆。Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree.洋葱可以煮一下打成糊。Old newspapers are pulped and recycled.旧报纸被化成纸浆重新利用。Their feet have pulped the wet mud to a mire.他们的脚把湿泥踩成了泥潭。The olives are pulped, then left to mature.橄榄被捣成浆,然后放着慢慢发酵成熟。His body was pulped by the impact of the train.他的身体被火车撞得稀巴烂。These old books are to be pulped.这些旧书将被捣成纸浆。 |