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词汇 新闻界
例句 The press will be informed immediately the election result is known.选举结果一出来,新闻界就会得到通知。His words to the press were deliberately equivocal - he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them.他对新闻界发言时故意含糊其词——既没有否认也没有证实这些报道。Such incidents would provoke press interest.这类事件总会引起新闻界的兴趣。The Scottish team went through their paces for the press yesterday.苏格兰队昨天在新闻界面前展示了实力。The Secretary appeared to retreat from his position when challenged by the press.由于受到新闻界的质疑,部长好像改变了他的立场。The comment was delivered as a backhander to the press.这话是明夸暗讽对新闻界说的。The press argued over the book, and the public was eating it up.新闻界对此书展开了争论,公众也是乐在其中。He began by writing letters to well-known figures in journalism.他以给新闻界知名人士写信起步。They got a bashing from the press.他们遭到新闻界的猛烈抨击。Court documents showing illegal transactions were released to the press.表明非法交易的法庭文件向新闻界公布了。News of their engagement was leaked to the press.他们订婚的消息泄露给了新闻界He was dismissed from his job for gross misconduct after handing over confidential documents to the press.在把机密文件交给新闻界之后,他就因严重渎职而被解职了。Someone leaked the story to the press.有人把这个事情透露给了新闻界The company has been telling lies for years, but local media has swallowed them whole.那家公司多年来一直在说谎,但当地的新闻界居然全盘相信了。A secret memorandum had been leaked to the press.一份机密的备忘录被泄露给了新闻界The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise.州长因没能履行一项竞选时的承诺而受新闻界抨击。The president excoriated the Western press for their biased views.这位总统痛斥西方新闻界充满偏见的观点。The press is loaded in favour of this present government.新闻界偏袒本届政府。The press launched a vicious attack on the President.新闻界对总统进行恶毒的攻击。The press had immediately scented a story.新闻界立刻就嗅出有题材了。The press saw these two men as the real power in the land.新闻界认为这两个人是国内真正掌握大权的人物。You better hope the press doesn't get wind of this.你最好指望新闻界没听到这件事的风声。The government suspects there is a mole who is leaking information to the press.政府怀疑有内奸向新闻界泄露情报。The press typically ignores a problem until it causes a crisis.新闻界通常对问题视而不见,直到它酿成危机。Women are in fact still being short-changed in the press.实际上女性在新闻界仍然没有受到公平对待。Officials have eased up on the press restrictions.官员们已经放松了对新闻界的限制。The press is having a go at the Prime Minister.新闻界正在抨击首相。The industry is currently under siege from the press.目前该行业备受新闻界的非议。After the court case Lee was hounded relentlessly by the press.案件审结后,李不断受到新闻界的骚扰。The press, once heavily censored, has managed to shake off its shackles.新闻界一度受到严格审查,现已设法摆脱了束缚。Someone must have tipped the press off about the princess's visit.肯定是有人事先向新闻界透露了王妃来访的消息。They employed him because of his reputed skill in dealing with the press.他们聘用他是因为普遍认为他善于应对新闻界He said such ridiculous things that he was often the target of lampoons in the press.他说的话十分可笑,以致常成为新闻界嘲讽的靶子。The press helped to expose the appalling living conditions of the farm workers.新闻界帮助揭露了农场工人们令人震惊的生活状况。Make sure the local press are there to hear my speech.要让当地新闻界也去听我的讲话。He got reamed in the press for his comments.他的评论遭到了新闻界人士的痛批。For some days after the scandal broke, the press could find out nothing about him.丑闻传开后的一段日子里,新闻界没了解到他的任何情况。She finally emerged from her home to face the press.她最终走出家门去面对新闻界Someone was leaking confidential information to the press.有人向新闻界泄露了机密情报。As a result of the scandal, his family was exposed to the cruelty of the press.由于这次丑闻,他的家人也要遭到新闻界无情的对待。




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