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词汇 pull it
例句 She knotted the ends of the rope and pulled it tight.她把绳子的两端打成结,然后拉紧。I tried to grab his hand but he pulled it away.我试图拽他的手,但他甩开了。Taking a tight grip on the hook, he began to pull it closer.他紧紧地抓住钩子,开始朝自己的方向拉。See if you can poke one corner through, and I'll pull it from the other side.看看你能不能把一个角伸过去,我从另外一头把它拉出来。The champagne cork popped when he pulled it out.他拔香槟酒的瓶塞时它砰的一声开了。You put the tree from the back and I'll pull it at the front.你在后面推树,我在前面拉。Brian wrapped some string round the parcel and pulled it tight.布赖恩把一些细绳套在包裹外,然后抽紧。Paul hooked his tractor to the car and pulled it to safety.保罗把自己的拖拉机挂在汽车上,拖到了安全的地方。They climbed the ladder and pulled it up after them.他们爬上梯子,随后把梯子拉了上去。The jet was descending steeply, but its pilot was able to pull it out just in time.这架喷气式飞机直线下降,但飞行员及时制止了飞机的俯冲。He took his cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.他派头十足地从腋下取出帽子戴在头上,并且把帽檐压得很低。She strained at the big trunk in order to pull it out.她使劲拖那只大箱子,要把它拉出来。Jessie snatched at the bag but I pulled it away.杰西伸手抓袋子,但我把它拉开了。I'd hardly cooked a proper meal for years, and I was wondering if I could still pull it off.我有好多年没有做过一顿像样的饭了,不知道还行不行。You have to turn the handle and then pull it.你得先转动把手,然后再拉。Keep the rope slack until I tell you to pull it.让绳子松着,我叫你拉时你再拉。You can easily pull it apart.你很容易就能把它扯断。Make a knot in the rope and pull it tight.把绳子打个结,然后扯紧。We were doubtful the plan would work, but he managed to pull it off.我们曾怀疑计划的可行性,但他成功地实施了。It will be a very, very fine piece of mountaineering if they pull it off.如果他们能成功,那将是一次非常了不起的登山壮举。Don't jerk the box up,pull it up smoothly.不要猛拉这只箱子,慢慢地把它搬起来。If I wanted to improve the car significantly I would have to pull it apart and start again.如果想好好地改进这辆车,我将不得不把它拆开重装。Norma picked up a stocking, stretched it and then pulled it onto her foot.诺尔玛拿起一只袜子,拉拉长,然后套到脚上。She seized the child and pulled it back from the edge of the cliff.她抓住孩子,把他从悬崖边沿拉了回来。The bottle cork popped when he pulled it out.他在拔出瓶塞时,瓶塞发出噗的一声。The old lady was flung out of the house because the owner wanted to pull it down.老太太被赶出了房子,因为房东要推倒房子。He took his peaked cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.他一下子把尖顶帽从胳膊下面掏出来戴在头上,然后把帽檐拉低盖住眼睛。Alan grasped the handle and pulled it.艾伦抓住手柄拉它。




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