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词汇 bare
例句 In earlier times, servants would use the bare wooden stairs at the back of the house.过去,仆人只能走房子后面光光的木楼梯。The ball pitched innocuously on the bare ground.球毫无悬念地落到了空地上。His fridge was bare apart from three very withered tomatoes.他的冰箱里面除了三个皱巴巴的番茄外空空如也。She wore a low-necked dress and her arms were bare.她穿着一件低领连衣裙,手臂裸露。It's been promoted as the biography that lays bare the truth behind the legend.这本自传被宣传成是一部揭示传奇背后真相的作品。She picked bits of glass off, piece by piece with her bare hands.她直接用手一点一点地拣出碎玻璃片。The dark tower of the church rose above the bare trees.教堂的黑塔高高耸立在光秃秃的树木之上。She caught the ball bare-handed.她徒手接住了球。The winter winds moaned through the bare branches.冬天的寒风凄厉地掠过光秃秃的树枝。His feet thumped loudly on the bare boards.他的脚走在光光的地板上咚咚地响。The earth had been laid bare.土壤裸露在外。The thugs robbed him and left him under bare poles.恶棍们抢了他,连衣服都给剥光了。The floor was draughty bare boards.地面铺的是透气性好的实木地板。She heard the pad of bare feet coming down the stairs.她听到了赤脚下楼的轻悄的脚步声。When the tide goes out, vast stretches of sand are laid bare.潮水退去,露出大片大片的沙地。These are the bare essentials you'll need for your baby.这些是你需要为宝宝准备的基本必需品。He led me through to a bare, draughty interviewing room.他把我带到了一间空荡荡的、有过堂风的会见室。She worried about splinters in her bare feet.她很担心扎在她赤裸双脚上的刺。The army would try to hold the western desert with a bare minimum of forces.军队会用尽可能少的兵力扼守西部的沙漠。He had a glove on his left hand, but his right hand was bare.他左手戴了一只手套,右手则没戴。The hotel rooms are bare-bones.旅馆房间的设施是最低配置。His head was bare.他光着头。The clearing out of disused workshops laid bare thousands of Italianate glazed tiles.清理废弃的车间时发现了成千上万块意大利风格的釉面砖。The room was completely bare except for a bed against the wall.房间内除了墙边放着一张床之外空无一物。The bare truth is that people love gossip, for all sorts of reasons.人们出于各种原因爱传闲话,这是明摆着的事实。I can't sleep on the bare floor!我不能睡在光秃秃的地板上!Watch out for bare wires.当心那些裸露的电线。We spent a long time walking through the bare rooms, remembering the games we used to play there.我们在这些空荡荡的房间里走了很长时间,回忆着曾在里面玩过的游戏。These are the bare essentials you'll need to dress your baby during the first few months.这些是你的宝宝在头几个月里要穿的基本衣物。Her feet were bare, and their bareness was only a revelation of greater beauty.她赤著脚,这种赤裸反而进一步显示了她的美。His eyes skipped around the bare room.他的双眼朝空荡荡的房间扫视。She looked round her tiny bare room.她环顾她那间空荡荡的小房间。The room was cold and bare.这个房间很冷,而且空无一物。The hills above the valley are bare rock.山谷上面的小山都是光秃秃的不毛之地。Their yard is bare and shadeless.他们的院子光秃秃的,一点遮蔽都没有。I don't need all the details - just give me the bare bones.我不需要所有的细节——只告诉我梗概就行。She beat the flames out with her bare hands.她赤手空拳扑灭了大火。He only told me the bare facts about what happened.他只是把发生的事情原原本本地告诉了我。There was only one bare shelf.只有一个空架子。All the facts of the investigation are finally being laid bare.调查到的所有事实真相最终都将被公诸于众。




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