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词汇 psyche
例句 He portrays the psyche as poly- centric.在他的描绘中精神是多中心的。Her work touches something profound in the human psyche.她的作品触及了人类心灵深处的某种东西。Freud has provided an account of the human psyche's different stages of development.弗罗伊德对人的心理几个不同的发展阶段进行了描述。Jung believed that every woman has an animus within her psyche, this being a set of unconscious masculine attributes and potentials.荣格认为,每一个女性的心灵里都有男性意向,亦即一套无意识的男性特质和潜能。The need for love is deeply buried in our psyche.对爱的需求埋藏在我们的心灵深处。A characteristic of the feminine psyche is to seek approval from others.女性心态的一个特征就是寻求他人的认同。These feelings lie deep in her psyche.这些感情深深地埋藏在她的心灵中。Peru is a very traditional country, and embedded in its psyche is a love of ceremony.秘鲁是一个非常传统的国家,这个国家的精神中蕴含着一种对于礼仪的热爱。His exploration of the myth brings insight into the American psyche.他对这个神话的探讨揭示了美国人的心理。The war loused up his marriage and played havoc with his psyche.战争毁掉了他的婚姻,对他的心理造成了极大的创伤。




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