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词汇 usual
例句 The only reason we leafleted on the Jewish New Year was because more people than usual go to the synagogue on that day.我们在犹太新年派传单,纯粹是因为那天去犹太教堂的人比平日多。He complained endlessly, as per usual. 他像往常一样抱怨不休。She was three hours late as per usual.她和往常一样又迟到了三小时。Andrew arrived late, as usual.安德鲁一如往常,又迟到了。The new design doesn't come up to our usual standards.新的设计没有达到我们通常的标准。The living-room was untidier than usual.客厅比平时更凌乱。The next day, rain or no rain, it was business as usual.第二天是否下雨都没有区别,一切照常进行。There's nothing on TV tonight, other than the usual rubbish.今晚的电视除了惯常的垃圾,再没别的了。The Democrats were outvoted, as usual.和往常一样,民主党因得票少而被击败。The champion made his usual dramatic entry into the arena.冠军得主像往常一样引人注目地进入运动场。Steve turned up half an hour late as usual.史蒂夫照例又迟到了半小时。There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.没有什么邮件,只有一些寄给住户的普通垃圾邮件。It's the usual problem, there are so few available men.还是老问题,单身男子太少了。We've had our usual quota of wet days this summer.我们今年夏天下雨的天数已经跟通常预计的一样多了。The director's use of the usual romantic conventions made the film boring and predictable.导演采用了惯常的浪漫手法,使得影片枯燥乏味并且情节老套。As usual, Harriet is trying to stir up trouble.像平常一样,哈丽雅特想要挑出点事来。The night had turned cold, as is usual around here.夜晚变得很冷,在这一带经常如此。Her freckles were more conspicuous than usual.她脸上的雀斑比平时更明显了。The guest paid the usual stale compliments and bowed himself out.客人说了老一套的问候话之后欠身告辞。She handled the awkward situation with her usual quiet diplomacy.她以惯常的不喜张扬的策略应付了尴尬局面。She had woken even earlier than usual.她比平时醒得还早。She set about the problem with her usual energy.带着一贯的干劲,她开始处理这一问题。She was sitting in her usual chair by the fire.她常坐在火炉边的那把椅子上。He's his usual cheerful self again.他又恢复了他惯常的乐天性格。There were the usual bunch of wasters hanging round the bar.那群混混又在那家酒吧里闲呆着。The gathering storm had made the day even darker than was usual at this hour.即将到来的暴风雨使得天空看起来比平时这个时候更昏暗。The kids are having their usual squabble over which TV show they're going to watch.孩子们照例又在为看哪个电视节目吵架了。She was just mouthing the usual meaningless platitudes about the need for reform.她只是在机械地重复那些毫无意义的关于需要改革的陈词滥调。There were dark rings under her eyes and her skin was paler than usual.她有黑眼袋,肤色比平时苍白。The lunch line was long as usual.午餐那里照常排着长队。As usual, he was talking complete rubbish.跟往常一样,他一直在讲废话。Jack was his usual cheery self.杰克和往常一样快活。For most of the top City firms, it is business as usual.对大多数伦敦金融城的顶级公司而言,一切照旧。I didn't know him; he wasn't one of the usual crowd.我不认识他,他不是平时那一群人里的。We'll try to add a little zip to the usual recipe.我们打算想办法在日常菜谱的做法上加点花样。Having juice instead of coffee was a deviation from his usual routine.他喝果汁而不喝咖啡,这不符合他的通常习惯。I spent an evening out with the usual crowd.我和经常在一起的一帮朋友在外面过了一个晚上。He was a bit rattier than usual.他比平时更暴躁。He greeted us warmly in his usual friendly fashion.他以他惯有的友好方式热烈欢迎我们。We were served French champagne, not to mention the usual cocktails.他们连法国香槟酒也端来给我们喝,更不用说寻常的鸡尾酒了。




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