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词汇 pruned
例句 When trees are pruned they bleed sap.修剪树木时会渗出液汁。He pruned every branch that did not bear fruit.他把不结果的枝都修剪掉。After summer flowering, plants can be pruned back.植物夏天开花后就可以整枝了。She carefully pruned the hedge.她仔细地修剪树篱。The bush must be pruned to remain productive.灌木必须修剪以保持其生长力。The roses had been pruned back more severely.玫瑰被剪掉了一大截。The bush has gotten leggy and needs to be pruned.这些灌木的枝条细长,需要修剪。Apples, pears and cherries can be pruned back when they've lost their leaves.苹果树、梨树和樱桃树在落叶后便可修剪。The bush had been pruned into a perfect hemisphere.树丛被修剪成了一个完美的半球。The budget needs to be pruned.预算需要削减。Those trees need to be pruned every year.那些树每年都需要修剪。She pruned the dead wood from the tree.她把树上的枯枝剪了下来。The original version of the text has been pruned quite a bit.原稿被删节掉很多。




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