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词汇 加冕
例句 James III was crowned at Kelso Abbey.詹姆斯三世在凯尔索教堂加冕The new king was crowned immediately.新国王立即加冕继位。What side is "Coronation Street" on?哪家电视台在播出《加冕街》?The ancient Romans awarded laurel wreaths to winners of athletic contests.古罗马人为竞技比赛的获胜者加冕桂冠。She was crowned queen of England.她获加冕成为了英格兰女王。At his coronation he received the homage of kings from Wales, Northumbria and Scotland.在他的加冕仪式上,威尔士、诺森布里亚和苏格兰的国王向他宣誓效忠。The queen was crowned with due ceremony.女王按照规定的礼仪加冕He was crowned king.加冕为国王。Two days later, Juan Carlos was crowned king.两天后,胡安·卡洛斯被加冕为国王。Charles V was crowned ruler of the Roman Empire at Bologna.查理五世在博洛尼亚加冕为神圣罗马帝国皇帝。She arrived in St Ives to celebrate the Queen's Silver Jubilee.她抵达圣艾夫斯庆祝女王加冕二十五周年。The Queen was enthroned in the city's most ancient church.女王在城中最古老的教堂中加冕We saw the archbishop crown the queen.我们看见大主教为女王加冕




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