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He is dryly witty, erudite, and gallant.他充满冷幽默、博学多识并且风度翩翩。He is erudite and lucid about political affairs.他对政治事务知识渊博,观点清晰。He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.他从来就不愚笨,而是一直博学多才、见多识广。The lecture was not very erudite.这次演讲的内容不很精深广博。He's the author of an erudite book on Scottish history.他写过一本博大精深的有关苏格兰历史的著作。These abstruse and erudite papers are intelligible only to the initiate.这些深奥而旁征博引的论文,只有具备了入门知识的内行才能看得懂。He is one of his government's most erudite critics.他是最博学的政府批评者之一。 |