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词汇 programs
例句 The measure federalizes several state programs.这项措施将几个州政府项目划归联邦政府管辖。The government squandered the money on failed programs.政府把资金浪费在了失败的方案上。The software will accept input from a variety of other programs.该软件可以接受许多其他程序的输入。Shareholders seem to have few qualms about companies sponsoring overseas abortion programs.对于公司赞助海外堕胎计划一事,股东们似乎没有感到不妥。Some news programs have decided not to show the video.一些新闻节目已决定不播出这段视频。These programs create additional complexities to the pricing system.这些程序增加了定价系统的复杂性。A UN official said aid programs will be suspended until there's adequate protection for relief convoys.一名联合国官员说将会暂停援助项目,直到援助车队能够得到充分的保护为止。Effective programs are available to safeguard your data against computer viruses.可以找到效果好的程序保护数据,使其免遭电脑病毒侵害。It's one of my favourite programs.它是我最喜欢的节目之一。The programs are aimed at preparing people who want to start up their own business.这些课程的目的是让那些想自己创业的人作好准备。She's been hired to write and debug computer programs.她受雇编写电脑程序以及消除其中的错误。Why waste time watching trivial TV programs?何必把时间浪费在没有意义的电视节目上呢?The high attrition rates on the degree programs are a cause for concern.学位课程的高辍学率令人担忧。There were a variety of problems common to first-generation computer software programs.第一代的电脑软件程序存在各种各样的常见问题。The institute trains people to manage wellness programs for industries, schools, communities and hospitals.这个学院为人们提供培训,给企业、学校、社区和医院管理健康计划。Two new programs are being developed to help promote responsible sexual behavior.正在推出两项新计划来宣传负责任的性行为。The club runs programs for disadvantaged children in the inner city areas.该俱乐部有帮助市中心地区贫困儿童的计划。The school has to bring its programs into alignment with state requirements.学校必须按照州的要求调整教学计划。These programs are designed to help build confidence in young women.这些计划旨在帮助年轻女性增强信心。There are programs that will help you figure out what's wrong with your PC, and help you correct it.有程序可以帮助你找出你的个人电脑哪里出了问题,并且帮你纠正它。He writes computer programs.他编写电脑程序。I need some volunteers to hand programs out tonight.我需要几个志愿者在今天晚上分发节目单。The Bush Foundation has funded a variety of faculty development programs.布什基金会已经资助了许多教员发展项目。Insects possess a biological clock that programs the insect's growth, reproduction, and dormant periods.昆虫具有一种生物钟,它会按照遗传密码控制昆虫的生长、繁殖和休眠期。Several local news programs reported the rumor, but the city newspaper took the high road and waited to see if anyone could confirm the story.当地几个电视新闻节目报道了这个谣传,但该市报业媒体体现出了应有的职业道德,静观是否有人能够确认这一报道。Some programs on television have degenerated into weary repetitions of each other.某些电视节目愈来愈糟,沉闷乏味,相互雷同。Budget cuts have drastically curtailed training programs.缩减预算严重地影响了培训计划。More employers now have well-financed and well-organized health promotion programs within the workplace.现在有越来越多的雇员在工作场所享有经费充足、安排有序的保健推广计划。These two programs are both news and current affairs, but they cater for very different audiences.这两个都是新闻和时事节目,但所针对的听众却非常不同。The law now requires that parents serve on the committees that plan and evaluate school programs.现在,法律要求家长在规划和评估学校项目的委员会中任职。TV news programs seem to be more interested in gossip than in hard news.电视新闻节目似乎对小道消息比对严肃新闻更感兴趣。They were excluded from the pension programs.他们被排除在领取养老金的范围之外。The taxpayers are becoming increasingly recalcitrant about open-ended programs for overseas purposes.纳税人对于资助那些无底洞似的海外项目越来越持抗拒态度。Not long after their inception, the welfare programs were under attack.这个福利计划实施没多久就遭到了抨击。He writes software programs for financial institutions.他为金融机构编写软件程序。By instituting these programs, we hope to improve our children's education.我们希望通过开设这些课程来改善儿童教育。Some of this money was funneled to secret CIA programs.这笔钱一部分拨给了中央情报局的机密项目。The election result is terrible news for social welfare programs.这次选举结果对社会福利方案来说是坏消息。Find cracks for your shareware programs.为你的共享程序找到非法进入的方法。You can put shortcuts to your favourite programs on your taskbar.你可以把自己喜欢的程序的快捷方式放在任务栏上。




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