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词汇 概述
例句 The central section of the book is a historical overview of drug use.该书的核心部分对毒品的使用作了历史概述The book outlines the major events of the country's history.这本书对那个国家历史上的主要事件进行了概述The essay begins with a survey of the relevant literature.这篇文章的开篇概述了相关的文献。The report was detailed and thorough; it didn't just summarize.这篇报告内容详细透彻,不仅仅是一个概述He gave a succinct overview of the expansion project.他简要概述了扩建计划。As the class drew to a close, Hanson asked a student to summarize the lesson.快下课前,汉森请一名学生把这一课的内容概述一下。The opening chapter gives a brief historical overview of the subject.开篇概述本学科的发展史。The new president outlined plans to deal with crime, drugs, and education.新总统概述了解决犯罪、毒品和教育问题的计划。His introduction outlined the main points of the speech.他的开场白概述了演讲的几个主要部分。The judge summed up the evidence in his speech to the jury.法官向陪审团概述了证据。Here's a bird's-eye view of world history.这是对世界历史的概述The book begins with an outline of the events that led to the First World War.这本书以概述导致第一次世界大战爆发的几个事件作开头。He's giving a broad brush approach to the subject.他将对这一学科进行概述The proposals were given in outline by the Secretary of State.国务卿对提议进行了简要的概述The policy is outlined in the party's election manifesto.该党在竞选宣言中概述了它的政策。The class surveys American history before the Civil War.这节课概述了南北战争前的美国历史。A Wall Street Journal editorial encapsulated the views of many conservatives.《华尔街日报》的一篇社论概述了很多保守派人士的观点。Michael Davis has prepared a memorandum outlining our need for an additional warehouse.迈克尔•戴维斯准备了一份报告,概述了我们还需要一座仓库。Here we outline some of the sometimes conflicting forces moulding the debate.在此我们概述一些有时影响争论的相互对立的力量。This general description of the countryside oversimplifies what is really a very complicated pattern of soils and climate.对农村地区的这一概述把实际上很复杂的土壤及气候模式过于简单化了。The document provides a general overview of the bank's policies.这份文件提供了对银行政策的大致概述She sketched out the plan in a few brief sentences.她用寥寥几句话对计划进行了概述The document outlines our company's recycling policy.文件概述了我们公司的回收利用方针。The first section is a brief sketch of the school's early history.第一部分是对这所学校早期历史的概述I was asked to give an overview of the company's sales figures.我被要求对公司的销售情况做一个概述He gave a synoptic overview of the project.他对项目做了概述The teacher outlined landmarks in the history of mankind.老师概述了人类历史上的里程碑。She summarizes the essay's main arguments in the final paragraph. = She summarizes the essay in the final paragraph.她在最后一段简要概述了论文的主要观点。Speakers often give an overview at the start of a lecture and a summary at the end.演讲者经常在讲座开始时作一个概述,结尾时再作一个总结。He outlined his vision for the new economic order.概述了自己对新经济秩序的展望。This book provides a broad/general overview of American history.这本书对美国历史做了一个总体概述He roughly outlined the plot of the opera.他粗略地概述了该歌剧的剧情。Milligan gives a fair summary of his subject within a relatively short space.米利根用比较小的篇幅对他的课题作了一个清晰简要的概述The article provides a succinct overview of the region's history.那篇文章对这个地区的历史做了简明的概述She first described the procedure in crude terms, and then went into more detail.她先概述了步骤,然后再详细讲述。At the end of the article, Kohn gives a recap of the proposals.科恩在文章的最后简要地概述了提议的内容。Chapter 1 is a brief outline of the process, then the next chapter goes into all the technical details.第一章对这个工序作了简要的概述,然后在下一章里对所有的技术细节作了详细的介绍。She led off the presentation with a brief overview of the project.她以对这个工程的简要概述开始了自己的发言。In his speech, the Prime Minister will outline his new proposals.首相将在他的讲话中概述他的几项新提议。I'll start with some generalities and then examine a few specific examples.我首先进行概述,然后会分析几个实例。




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