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词汇 procession
例句 I shinned up a tree to get a better view of the procession.我爬上一棵树,好把游行队伍看得更清楚些。A large black hearse led the funeral procession.一辆大型黑色灵车引领着整个送葬队伍。A steady procession of people filed past the coffin.人们排成一队,一个接一个地从灵柩旁走过。The mayor of the town led the procession to the central square.镇长率领游行队伍来到了镇中心的广场。The procession moved through the streets at a steady pace.队伍稳步穿过街道。The children were eager to take part in the carnival procession.孩子们热切地盼望着参加狂欢节的游行。They were both absorbed in watching the procession.他们俩都专注地看着队列。They stopped to watch the procession go by.他们停下来观看游行队伍走过。The new employee had a procession of meetings to go to.新员工有一系列的会议要参加。The demonstrators marched in procession to the minister's office.示威者列队向部长的办公室走去。The cars moved in procession to the cemetery.汽车列队开向墓地。The mourners followed the funeral procession, weeping and wailing.哀悼的人们跟在送葬队伍后面,悲声哭泣。The procession moved at a slow and stately speed.队伍缓慢而庄严地向前移动著。Jenny marched proudly at the head of the procession.珍妮自豪地走在游行队伍的前列。The strange little convoy began a slow procession along the rows of warships.那支奇怪的小船队在成排战船的护卫下开始缓慢前行。The procession entered the church by the south entry.队伍由南门进入教堂。There was a slight flutter among those in the pews, as the procession began to ascend the aisle.当这一行人开始走下教堂里的侧廊时,在坐靠背长椅的人中间有了一点骚动。It was a seamless procession of wonderful electronic music.这是一曲优美流畅的电子乐曲。The procession wended its way through the streets.游行队伍缓缓地穿过街道。We were held up by a long funeral procession.我们被一列长长的送葬队伍堵住了路。The band played the procession in.队伍在乐队的伴奏声中走进来。Drumming could be heard as the procession began.游行开始后便能听到鼓声。Congress could ban the procession altogether.国会可以完全禁止这次游行。People were standing three deep at the side of the road to watch the procession.三层人站在路边看游行。There was a procession of children carrying candles.有一长列拿着蜡烛的孩子。From my vantage point on the hill, I could see the whole procession.从我在山上的有利位置我可以看到整个游行队伍。The procession of the Spirit continued to occupy medieval theologians.中世纪的神学家仍旧热衷于圣灵流出说。They waited in respectful silence as the funeral procession went past.送葬队伍经过时,他们一言不发毕恭毕敬地等待着。A car headed the procession.一辆汽车为游行队伍开路。Their grief turned to hysteria when the funeral procession arrived at the cemetery…当送葬队走到墓地时,他们更加悲恸欲绝。I want to see the procession.我想看看游行队伍。Thousands of workers joined the funeral procession.数千名工人加入了送葬行列。We have had a procession of visitors today.我们今天接待了一拨又一拨的访客。Heavily laden donkeys joined the procession of jeeps and trucks.满载货物的驴子加入了吉普车和卡车的队伍。The whole town turned out to watch the procession.全镇的人都出来观看游行队伍。The procession stretched for several miles.游行队伍长达数英里。The festivities started with a procession through the town.庆祝活动以全城巡游开始。The royal carriage headed the procession.女王的马车行进在队伍的前头。The mayor will head the procession through the town centre.市长将走在队伍的最前头通过市中心。We steered the animal round and followed the tail of the procession.我们让坐骑掉转方向,跟在队尾。




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