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词汇 proceed
例句 We have been advised by the legal team to proceed cautiously.法律小组奉劝我们谨慎行事。After searching it, police allowed the lorry to proceed.警方搜查卡车后,允许其继续前行。I had an idea how to proceed, but I wasn't confident that I could do it.我对如何继续进行略知一二,但没把握我能做到。She decided not to proceed with the treatment.她决定不再接受治疗了。I am not sure how to proceed.我不知道该如何进行。You should proceed with the utmost caution.你应该小心行事。We may not be able to proceed as planned.我们可能无法按计划进行了。It will be necessary to proceed with caution.小心进行是有必要的。The path was narrow and we had to proceed along it in single file.那条小路太狭窄,我们不得不成单行行进。They fully recognize the need to proceed carefully.他们充分意识到继续谨慎行事的必要性。Let's have no ifs and buts, I'm determined to proceed with the plan.我们别再找托词了,我决心要将计划进行下去。Passengers leaving the ship at Alexandria should proceed to the immigration office.在亚历山大下船的旅客必须去移民局接受检查。We should proceed with our phasedown forthwith until all military personnel are out of that country.我们应毫不拖延地继续分期分批减少军事人员,直至全部撤出那个国家。Choose your CD-ROMs and proceed to checkout.选择你要的光盘,然后进入订购付款处。The teacher should encourage the child to proceed as far as he can.老师应该鼓励孩子尽可能地去做。Sobs were heard to proceed from her bed.从她床上传出呜咽声。They'll never agree on how to proceed.关于如何进行下去,他们永远也不会意见一致。Now that our plans are settled, let us proceed.既然我们的计划定了,我们就着手做起来吧。The contract must be signed before we can proceed with the work.在我们继续工作前必须先签合同。They are holding firm on their refusal to proceed.他们坚持反对继续前进。Each learner can proceed at his own speed.每一位学习者都可以按自己的进度学习。I will instruct my lawyer to proceed with the preparation of draft contracts.我会通知我的律师开始准备合同的草稿。We should proceed in a spirit of open enquiry.我们应该以开放探索的精神继续进行。It gives a clue as to how to proceed.它给出了如何继续下去的提示。Without official endorsement, the project cannot proceed.未经官方认可,这个项目无法进行。These students then proceed out into the world to positions of leadership.此后,这些学生走出校门,担任起不同领导岗位的职务。When the fire alarm sounds, leave the building and proceed to your assembly point.火灾警报一响,请离开大楼,前往你们的集合地点。This can be done if you proceed as follows.按照如下操作即可完成。That's not a bad way to proceed, just somewhat different.以此方法进行并没有错,只是有些与众不同。Hepatitis may proceed from internal immunological disorders.肝炎可能由内部免疫紊乱引起。If I feel it is within my capabilities, I will proceed.如果我觉得那是我力所能及的,那我就接着做。We have to examine this claim before we proceed any further.我们必须先审核一下这项主张,然后才能继续其他事情。How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain.你怎么能指望我们如此冒险地穿越未知的地域,继续这一探险?The errors of youth often proceed from the want of discernment.青年时代的错误常由于缺乏判断力所致。They had to take the finely balanced decision to let the visit proceed.为了让参观得以继续,他们必须作出非常恰当的决定。They advised him that the tour would proceed.他们通知他旅游将成行。Melt the gelatine, then proceed with the rest of the recipe.溶解明胶,然后继续食谱上的剩余步骤。All passengers must proceed to the baggage claim area.所有乘客都必须前往行李提取处。Lack of evidence meant that the Council could not proceed against Mr Naylor.证据不足意味着市政会不能起诉内勒先生。It is necessary to examine this claim before we proceed any further.我们必须先核实这一声明才能继续下一步。




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