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词汇 problems
例句 These problems could be fruitfully addressed.这些问题可以得到有效的解决。If we're ever going to solve these problems, we need less talk and more action.如果真要解决这些问题,我们需要少说多做。Have you ever had any skin problems connected with exposure to the sun?.你曾因日晒出现过皮肤问题吗?He brings a rare talent for solving problems to his new job as company president.他首次担任公司总裁时,已具备难能可贵的处理问题的才能。We had a very productive meeting - I felt we solved lots of problems.我们开了一个极富成效的会议——我觉得我们解决了很多问题。We can handle these problems effectively if we apply the lessons learned from past experiences.如果我们汲取过去的经验教训,就能有效地解决这些问题。They planted a story in the press about her mental problems.他们在媒体上散布有关她精神出问题的事情。We need to confront these problems before it's too late.我们必须及时处理这些问题,不要等到太迟了。We have to correct these problems soon or the project will fail.我们必须赶紧纠正这些问题,否则项目就会失败。Don't moan, it doesn't help solve your problems.别抱怨,那无助于解决你的问题。He has undergone tremendous emotional problems following the breakdown of his marriage.他婚姻破裂之后遭遇了严重的情绪问题。Delays could give rise to further problems.延期可能会导致更多的问题。There are several specific problems to be dealt with.有几个特定问题需要解决。These problems have now been sorted.这些问题现在已经理顺了。He seemed to think that I was trying to cause problems, but that was never my intention.他似乎认为我在制造麻烦,但那绝不是我的本意。We will continue to seek solutions to the problems of this region through multilateral diplomacy.我们将继续通过多边外交来寻求解决这一地区的问题。We encountered a new set of problems.我们遇到了一系列新问题。An engineer will address the design's practical problems.工程师会处理这些设计的实际问题。These new problems call for further investigation.这些新问题需要进一步调查。Forget about the problems we've had in the past. They're ancient history.忘掉我们之间过去的那些问题吧。那都是陈年旧事了。After all the problems they've had recently, they just want to get/move on with their lives. 经历了最近这么多的困难后,他们只想过正常的生活。Don't let him unload his problems onto you.别让他把他的问题都推到你身上。The vote will be a litmus test for how serious the international community is about tackling environmental problems.这次投票将是检验国际社会对解决环境问题的认真程度的试金石。Wealth is a double-edged sword that brings problems as well as benefits.财富是一把双刃剑,既会带来问题,也会带来好处。His financial problems were compounded when he unexpectedly lost his job.他意外地失去了工作,这使他手头更紧了。The problems were annoying, but we managed to cope.问题很棘手,但是我们设法处理好了。We'll have to correct these problems further down the line.今后我们还需进一步纠正这些问题。Despite his problems, his parents still believe in him.尽管他有一些毛病,他的父母仍相信他是个好孩子。TV commentators have shown great discretion, glossing over the problems in her personal life.电视评论员表现得非常谨慎,对她个人生活中的问题避而不谈。She was exempt from physical education requirements because of her health problems.她因健康问题而获准免修体育课。Various setbacks and problems delayed production.各种各样的挫折和问题耽搁了生产进度。If we try I'm sure we can clear up these problems quickly.如果我们努力,我相信很快就能解决这些问题。We acknowledge the need to engage directly with these problems.我们承认需要立即处理这些问题。Their problems were all forgotten in the glow of victory.胜利的喜悦让他们把问题全忘掉了。Production problems delayed the introduction of the new model by several months.生产问题使得新款上市推迟了数月。There used to be a lot of disputes over land boundaries but nowadays such problems scarcely ever arise.以前地界纠纷频繁,但这种问题现在几乎没再发生。Family breakdown can lead to behavioural problems in children.家庭破裂会导致孩子的行为问题。The display problems might be due to a shortage of disk space.显示问题可能是硬盘空间不足造成的。The company's welfare officer deals with employees' personal problems.公司负责福利的工作人员处理雇员的个人问题。Potential problems of celebrity status are not much of a determent to those seeking limelight.成名带来的潜在问题不会使那些寻求名人地位的人却步。




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