例句 |
The car was in the high/low end of the price range.这款车的价位在价格区间的高点/低点。The car is out of our price range. 这辆车太贵了,超出了我们可以接受的价格范围。She is a beautiful boat, but way, way outside my price range.这条船很漂亮,但价格却远远超出我能承受的范围。No, that's completely outside my price range.不行,那完全超出了我能承受的价格范围。The houses are sold out within this price range.在这个价位范围之内的房子已售完。Bicycles come in every price range.各种价格的自行车都有。It's outside my price range.这超出了我能承受的价格范围。 |