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词汇 naughty
例句 He was a naughty boy who often disobeyed his mother.他是个淘气的孩子,经常不听妈妈的话。She doesn't know how to manage her naughty children.她不知道怎样管好自己的顽皮孩子。The naughty child had to come to heel when he went to school.那个顽皮孩子上了学就不得不听话了。She describes him as kind, warm, compassionate, with the most naughty twinkly blue eyes.她形容他善良、热情、富有同情心,还有一双最为顽皮的闪闪发亮的蓝眼睛。No naughty jokes in front of the children, please!不要在孩子面前讲粗俗的笑话!They were standing outside giggling away like a couple of naughty schoolkids.他们像一群顽皮的学生,站在外面咯咯笑个不停。The naughty boy had to repeat the fifth grade.这个顽皮的男孩不得不重读五年级。Mary was naughty to pull the kitten's tail.玛丽拉小猫的尾巴,真顽皮。Their little boy's so naughty.他们的小儿子非常淘气。His naughty daughter stole up on him and hemmed.他那调皮的女儿偷偷走近他,然后轻咳一声。When she was naughty, she would get a clout from her mother.她淘气的时候会挨妈妈的巴掌。You've been a very naughty boy!你真是个调皮的男孩!You know what little boys are like with naughty words.你知道小男孩们说下流话是什么样子。You ought to be stricter with him. He's very naughty.你该对他更严格一些。他很调皮。We've been looking for you everywhere, you naughty boy!我们到处找你,你这顽皮的孩子!Tom has become so naughty recently — he was really too much yesterday.汤姆近来非常顽皮,昨天他实在太不像话了。Teachers tend to have stereotyped opinions about naughty pupils.教师往往对调皮学生抱有成见。The naughty boys mocked the blind man.顽皮的孩子们嘲弄那个盲人。There's only one way to deal with naughty children and that's to be strict with them.对付调皮捣蛋的孩子只有一种办法,就是要对他们严厉。He gave me a look of the sort usually reserved for naughty school-children.他用那种一般看顽皮学童的特有目光朝我看了一眼。Begone! you naughty boy!去!你这顽皮的小孩! He was always a naughty child but he had to learn to come to heel when he went to school.他一向顽皮,可是上学后他只好学会服从。She felt cheap and stupid, like a naughty child caught stealing.她感到自己卑鄙愚蠢,就像个偷东西正巧被逮着的调皮孩子。Is it always good to smack a naughty child?对调皮孩子老是打行吗?Mother spanked her for being naughty.妈妈因为她调皮打她屁股。I was naughty and cheated on my diet.我不太听话,没完全遵守饮食规定。I asked my childminder to do what I do when Laura is naughty.我要求给我看小孩的人在劳拉淘气的时候也像我那样去做。He's a bit naughty, but I like him all the same.他有点顽皮,可是我还是喜欢他。Rose scolded the child gently for being naughty.罗丝温和地批评了那个淘气的孩子。He's really naughty, but he's so cute.他非常调皮,但很可爱。Do not treat a naughty child rough.不要粗暴地对待顽皮的孩子。The naughty child received several slaps on his seat.这顽童挨了好几下屁股。The naughty kid stuck in my mind.这个顽皮孩子使我忘不了。He shook his stick at the naughty boys.他挥舞手杖吓唬那些顽童。They were reading an American novel that seemed to have had all the naughty bits cut out.他们在看一本美国的小说,小说里凡是不正经的地方好像都被删去了。Girls, you're being very naughty.姑娘们,你们太淘气了。He was watching naughty videos.他当时正在看黄色录像。She gave him a naughty smile.她给了他一个挑逗的微笑。Now that's naughty - don't throw food on the floor!真淘气——你不能把食物扔在地上!Whenever Daniel's little sister was asked to do something she always had a naughty reply.每次让丹尼尔的妹妹做什么事,她总是要淘气地回嘴。




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