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Do me a favor - in that box over there, there's a screwdriver - can you hand it to me?帮个忙一那边那个盒子里有一把螺丝刀一把它递给我好吗?If they have any bicycle lamps going cheap, can you get me one?如果他们出售减价的自行车灯,你能否替我买一个?Just look at that dress! How tacky can you get? 瞧瞧那条连衣裙!真是太俗气了。If you have a good memory you can learn things by rote, but can you apply it in practice?如果你记性好,学东西可以死记硬背,但是死记硬背的东西可以在实际中应用吗?I need to pick your brains: what can you tell me about credit unions?我向您请教一下:您能告诉我信用合作社是怎么回事吗?Only by being him can you hope to outguess him.你只有成了他肚子里的蛔虫,才有可能识破他。I'm going out for an hour or so, can you hold the fort?我要出去一小时左右,你能为我代管一下吗?He tried to rob a policeman. How stupid can you get? 他试图抢劫警察,这有多愚蠢哪。Do you need the toilet right now or can you hang on for a while?你现在就要上厕所还是能再等一会儿呢?How can you eat that muck? It looks disgusting.你怎么能吃那玩意儿?看着就令人恶心。I mean, how crazy can you get?我是说,你真是太疯狂了。How can you justify the expense?你如何对这笔开支作出解释?How can you compare him to Ivan Lendl? He's not in the same league at all.你怎么能把他跟伊万·伦德尔作比较?他根本不属同一级别的。How can you just sit back and let him insult you like that?你怎么能无动于衷,由他那样羞辱你?You boys at the back, can you sing up?后面的男孩子们,再唱得响些行吗?When can you give back the money that you owe?你什么时候可以归还欠款?It tastes artificial, but at that price what can you expect?.尝起来像是假的,但是就这个价格你还想指望什么?How can you be tired? You slept for ten hours or more last night.你怎么会累呢?昨晚你可睡了十多个小时。How can you go out with her? She's a real dog.你怎么能和她谈恋爱呢?她简直就是个恐龙。Do you want to grab a bite to eat, or can you wait until we get home?你要随便吃点东西,还是能等到我们回到家再吃?How can you read such filth?你怎么能看这种下流的东西? How can you inflict such cruelty on a child?你怎能如此虐待一个孩子?How can you stand aside and see the child badly treated?看着孩子受虐待你怎么能无动于衷呢? Selina's off today? Then can you ask her to phone me when she's back in the office ?塞利娜今天没来?那么等她回到办公室时,请你叫她打电话给我。How can you stand to be out here without a coat? It's freezing!你怎么能不穿外套就出去?天冷极了!How can you be so cold and clinical about your son's accident?你怎么能对你儿子的事故这么冷漠?How can you eat that cheese? It stinks.那乳酪你怎么吃呀?臭呼呼的。Honey, can you get the kids dressed, please?亲爱的,给孩子们穿上衣服好吗?"I'm going to the post office." "While you're there can you get me some stamps?"“我要去邮局。”“你去的时候帮我买些邮票好吗?”If you see Brett, can you tell him I'm in town next weekend?如果你见到布雷特,能告诉他我下周末在伦敦吗?How long can you hold your breath for?你能屏气多长时间?I can't get the cork out of the bottle - can you try?我拔不出瓶塞——你来试试?How can you accuse me without knowing all the facts?你不知道全部真相,怎么可以来指责我呢?If you set no value on being a woman yourself, how can you expect others to?如果你自己都认为做女人一文不值,又怎么能期望别人尊重你呢?How can you submit to his roughing?你怎么能甘受他的粗野暴行?What can you do to keep it from happening again?你怎样防止它再次发生?How can you be so heartless?你怎么能那么冷酷?How early can you get off this afternoon?今天下午你能多早下班?How can you get angry with a car? It's an inanimate object!你怎么对汽车发火?它是个没有生命的物体!Jack, my knife has hebetated, can you help me to grind it?杰克,菜刀变钝了,能帮我磨一下吗? |