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词汇 Press
例句 Press and hold the numeric preset button.按住数字预置按钮。Press return.按回车键。The Establishment, bear-led by the Press, had decided that this turbulent man must go.在报界的压力下,当局已决定把这个作乱的人赶下台。Press the raspberries through a fine sieve to form a puree.用一个细筛子将山莓压碎过滤,以制成山莓泥。This book was published by Oxford University Press.该书由牛津大学出版社出版。Press releases must be short and pithy.新闻稿务必要言简意赅。The Press Secretary gave a completely different version of events, which greatly confused the situation.新闻秘书对事件的陈述完全不一样,这使情况更加混乱了。No-one personally acquainted with the couple was permitted to talk to the Press.任何与这对夫妇有私交的人都不准和新闻界谈话。Press escape to return to the main menu.按退出键以返回主菜单。Press comment ranged from apotheosis to scorn.报界的评论褒贬不一。I worked in the Associated Press.我曾在美联社上班。A meeting was promised, but the Press was not admitted.承诺将召开一次会议,但是不允许记者到场。She launched a withering attack on the Press.她向该通讯社发起了一场声势逼人的讨伐。He has recently published a critical work with Oxford University Press.他最近在牛津大学出版社出版了一本评论著作。Press the buzzer when you want to talk.你想讲话的时候就按蜂鸣器。Press criticism has been the main impetus behind the government reforms.舆论界的批评是政府改革的主要推动力。Press the door until you hear the latch click.推上门,直到你听见门闩发出咔嗒声。Press Esc to return to the main menu.按退出键返回主菜单。I am negotiating with Pyramid Press for its publication in the States.我正在与金字塔出版社就其在美国出版事宜进行洽谈。The CIA was extremely wary of interfering with the foreign Press; in the past, such interference had rebounded.中央情报局对干涉国外媒体的事情十分谨慎;过去此类干涉曾经起过适得其反的作用。Press rewind.按下倒带键。Have the Press got a sniff yet?.新闻界嗅到了一点消息没有?He began a career in journalism, working for the North London Press Group.他开始从事新闻工作,为北伦敦报业集团工作。The Commercial Press published a wide spectrum of books.商务印书馆出版了一系列范围广泛的书籍。The book is published by Federal Street Press.这本书由联邦街出版公司出版。Press the buzzer if you know the answer.如果你知道答案,就按抢答器。Press on the wound with a large pad of cotton wool.用大块药棉按住伤口。Press the fruit through a sieve and mix the pulp with sugar.水果用滤网压榨,再把果肉拌上糖。Press agents are notorious name-droppers.媒体经纪人出了名地喜欢靠名人抬高自身。Press the return key to enter the information.按回车键输入信息。Press the powder gently on the skin with a velour puff.用丝绒粉扑轻轻将粉扑在肌肤上。He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's Press.他回避各国媒体的提问时显得轻松而果决。Press the paper down to ensure there are no wrinkles.用力压纸以确保没有褶皱。Press reports revealed that ozone levels in the upper atmosphere fell during the past month.新闻报道透露上层大气的臭氧浓度在上个月有所下降。Press the two parts together while the glue is tacky.乘胶水还有黏性的时候,把这两部分粘合。Press out the excess moisture, season, and line a baking dish with the spinach.挤出多余水分,调味,在烤盘上摆好菠菜。Press this button to start the engine.按此钮发动引擎。Press the pause button.按暂停键。Press return/the return key twice to leave a blank line.按两次回车键留出一行空行。Press Enter to abort the printing.按回车键中止打印。




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