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词汇 banished
例句 He has now banished all thoughts of retirement.他现在已经完全打消了退休的念头。His assurances banished our fears.他的再三保证消除了我们的担心。Street vendors will be banished from the city streets unless they register with the council.街头小贩将被逐出城市街道,除非他们在地方政务会登记。The king banished his wife from his bed.国王不再和妻子同房。The reporters were banished to another room.记者们被赶到另一个房间。After always putting too much salt in her cooking, she went to the opposite extreme and banished it completely.以前她做菜时总是放很多盐,然后又走到另一个极端,一点儿盐都不放。She banished the dogs to the basement during the party.朋友聚会时,她把几条狗都关在了地下室。They banished red meat from their diet.他们不再吃红肉。John was banished from England.约翰被逐出了英格兰。The children banished him from their game because he always cheated.孩子们不让他参加游戏,因为他老是作弊。The conspirators were banished from the king's domain.阴谋家们被赶出了国王的领土。The news of her pregnancy had banished all other thoughts from her mind.怀孕的消息使她消除了头脑中的一切其他想法。He was banished for life.他被终身流放。He was banished from court.他被逐出法庭。Thousands were banished to Siberia.成千上万的人被流放到西伯利亚。Morris has now banished all thoughts of retirement.莫里斯现在已经打消了退休的所有念头。But his melancholy thoughts would not be banished.但是他那哀伤的念头无法消除。He was banished from the country.他被从该国驱逐出去。I was banished to the small bedroom upstairs.我被赶到了楼上的小卧室。The CD banished for ever all the hisses and crackles that had plagued disc recordings until then.直至那时,激光唱片才彻底消除了从前一直困扰唱片录音制品的嘶嘶声和噼啪声。The program has been banished to the ghetto of late-night television.这个电视节目被打入深夜档播出了。The dictator banished anyone who opposed him.这位独裁者把所有反对他的人都驱逐出境了。I was banished to a distant corridor.我被赶到远处的一条走廊里。Safire writes hilariously of being banished from presidential favor.萨菲尔幽默地描写了自己没能博取总统好感的事情。The past few days had been banished from his mind.他现在已经不再去想过去的这几天了。




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