例句 |
The pilot pranged up the plane, but he was all right.飞行员使飞机坠毁,他却安然无恙。The taxi pranged up a truck and the driver got killed immediately.出租车撞在卡车上,出租车司机当场死亡。The pilots were supposed to drop supplies to the snowbound villages, but the local government was poor and they pranged up the whole operation.飞行员应该给那些被雪封住路的村庄空投救济物质,但地方政府经济困难,这使该计划的实施陷入了困境。That brash boy has been careless enough to prang up his girlfriend.那个鲁莽的小伙子由于不谨慎,导致他女朋友怀了孕。 |