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词汇 practised
例句 He was a gifted painter and a practised musician.他是个有天赋的画家,又是技艺熟练的乐人。The men practised various traditional crafts.这些人从事各种传统手工技艺。I kept fluffing when I practised the song.我练习那首歌时老出错。He was born in Hong Kong where he subsequently practised as a lawyer until his retirement.他出生在香港,后来在那里从事律师工作,直到退休。The employees of the firm practised economy in doing everything.该公司的雇员做任何事都励行节约。Once you are practised at this sort of relaxation you will feel quite refreshed afterwards.一旦你熟悉了这种放松方式,之后就会感到神清气爽。It did not take his practised eye long to notice that he was not the only one hanging about.眼力老道的他不久就注意到他不是唯一一个闲逛的人。Origami comes from Japan, where it is still widely practised.折纸艺术源于日本,在那里现在仍然有很多人从事这一行当。In the South Sea Islands, infanticide was universally practised.在南太平洋诸岛,杀婴习俗曾广为盛行。To prepare for the match, I practised every night for a month.为了这次比赛,我一个月以来每天晚上都训练。He stroked away the questions bowled towards him with practised ease.他熟练从容地把向他投来的问题都一一打发掉了。He was practised in dealing with money and with men.他在处理钱财人事上都富有经验。It did not take his practised eye long to notice that he was not the only one who was hanging about.眼力老道的他很快就注意到他不是唯一在闲逛的人。The dancer moved with practised grace.那舞蹈演员以训练有素的优美舞姿翩翩起舞。Polygamy is legal, but it is very rarely practised.一夫多妻制是合法的,但却很少有人这样做了。She performed the song with practised skill.她演唱这首歌时表现得训练有素。She practised her backhand.她练习了反手击球。She diligently practised her piano every day.她每天勤奋地练习弹钢琴。He borrowed a basketball and practised his outside shot.他借来一只篮球,练习远投。The polling of cattle has been practised there for centuries.给牛去角的做法在那里已经沿袭了几个世纪。She is a confident and practised speaker who always impresses her audience.她是个自信而又老练的演讲者,总能打动观众。There are consistent reports of electrical torture being practised on inmates.一直有报道称犯人被施以电刑。The company denies that it has practised discrimination against any of its employees.公司否认对任何员工有歧视。She promised to abstain but practised this vice secretly.她答应戒绝这种恶习,但仍偷偷乐此不疲。He was brought up in a family which practised traditional Judaism.他是在一个信奉传统犹太教的家庭长大的。These methods are still practised today.这些方法今天仍然在使用着。He sat cross-legged on the bed in a practised way as if he did regular yoga.他坐在床上,老练地盘起腿,看起来好像他平时经常做瑜伽。I practised my French when we were on holiday.我们度假时我练习说法语。The earliest colonists of the Amazon seem to have practised farming.好像是最早到达亚马孙流域的殖民者形成了耕种的传统。She found that she had been practised upon.她发现自己被利用了。He was well practised in meditation.他善于沉思。A practised observer would quickly notice changes in the birds’ behaviour.一位有经验的观察者会马上注意到鸟类的行为变化。He practised on their credulity with huge success.他利用他们的轻信大获成功。The English side practised running between wickets.英格兰队在三柱门之间进行跑步训练。With a practised hand he motioned a waiter to bring a fresh pot of coffee.他老练地用手示意侍者送来一壶新煮的咖啡。She found that she had been practised on.她发现自己被利用了。These writers knew that unless they practised a form of self-censorship, the authorities would persecute them.这些作家知道,除非他们采取一种自我约束,否则当局会迫害他们。This model of education is widely practised.这种教育模式被广泛推行。He allowed his practised eye to travel slowly over the landscape.他让自己那老练的目光慢慢扫过周围的景色。One form of parliamentary obstruction practised in the United States and other countries is the filibuster.在美国和其他国家,国会中的一种拖延形式是阻挠议事。




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