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词汇 practiced
例句 Only a few of the dancers are practiced in traditional ballet.只有少数舞者能跳好传统芭蕾。The students practiced their arabesques.学生们练习迎风展翅。She practiced her part until she knew it backwards and forwards.她反复练习自己演的角色,直到非常熟练。I hadn't practiced the part, so I got up there and winged it.我没排练过那个角色,只好上场即兴发挥。The Japanese jujitsu is widely practiced in the world.日本柔术在世界上很流行。The process is to all intents and purposes identical with that practiced today.这种工艺过程实际上同现行的没什么两样。She practiced her alchemy in the kitchen, turning a pile of vegetables into a delicious salad.她在厨房大显身手,把一堆蔬菜变成了一份美味的沙拉。My niece has practiced ballet for six years.我姪女已练了六年芭蕾舞了。She practiced deception on her unsuspecting clients. 她欺骗了毫无戒备心的顾客。He has practiced law in Taipei for 30 years.他在台北做律师已有三十年。Morris is a skilful salesman, practiced in the art of persuasion.莫里斯是个高明的推销员,很有说服技巧。She practiced her dives for the competition.她在为参加比赛练习跳水。He was a practiced musician.他是一位演技娴熟的音乐家。They practiced ritual bloodletting.他们举行了放血仪式。Thoreau practiced civil disobedience against an imperialist war.梭罗对帝国主义战争进行了非暴力反抗。I've practiced all week, but I'm still afraid I'll mess up.我已练习了整整一星期,可我仍然担心会搞砸。The dancers practiced until they synchronized their movements.舞者们一直练习,直到动作一致。He practiced the piano for hours at a time. = He spent hours practicing the piano.他每次练钢琴都会练好几个小时。We practiced blocking our opponents.我们练习拦截对手。We walked through the whole dance routine once, then practiced each section.我们先把整套舞蹈动作简单过了一遍,然后练习每组动作。I hadn't practiced for a long time, so I was really rusty.我很长时间没有练习,所以相当生疏了。When she was young she practiced gymnastics.她年轻时练过体操。They practiced CPR on a dummy.他们在一个人体模型上练习心肺复苏。He split the log with practiced skill.他技术娴熟地劈开了木头。They practiced taking apart their rifles and putting them back together again.他们练习把步枪拆开然后又重新组装。They practiced passing the baton.他们练习传递接力棒。He was already well practiced in giving acceptance speeches.他发表获奖感言已经很老练了。The diamonds may look identical to you and me, but to a practiced eye , one is obviously a fake.你我可能看不出这些钻石的差别,但内行就可看出其中有一颗显然是赝品。




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