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词汇 power
例句 Our car doesn't have enough power to tow a trailer.我们的轿车功率不够大,拖不动拖车。I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help.我完全能体会你的担心。我们将尽全力帮忙。A stronger European Parliament would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries.他们担心一个更加强大的欧洲议会只会增强大国的力量。He has a strange power over women.他对女人有一种奇怪的影响力。They were virtually impotent against the power of the large companies.他们几乎无力与实力强大的大公司抗衡。But the concomitant of political power is compromise.但是与政治权力相伴而生的是妥协。Land ownership formed the basis of their wealth and power.土地所有权成为他们财富和权力的基础。When the army took power, huge crowds gathered in the capital to protest.军队夺取政权后,大批人群聚集在首都抗议。It has done me a power of good.那使我得益匪浅。He became a counter in power struggles between them.他成了他们之间权力斗争的棋子。The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。He imputes to the media a power to turn the country against it.他把全国人民对此的反对归咎于新闻媒体。The power outage left us in the dark for five hours. 由于停电,我们在黑暗中撑了五个小时。A change of scenery might do you the power of good.换个地方或许对你大有裨益。He sets himself up as a defender of the people, but he's really only interested in getting more power.他自称是人民的捍卫者,但他实际上只是为了谋取更大的权力。I'm afraid it's not within my power to help you.恐怕我无力帮助你。The cost of solar power needs to fall before it makes an impact on the energy market.太阳能要降低成本才能对现有的能源市场有所影响。The town was destroyed by the raw power of the tornado.镇子被肆虐的龙卷风所摧毁。He claimed he knew nothing about the political manoeuvrings which had got him into power.他声称对帮他上台的政治花招一无所知。His appetite for power had grown.他对权力的渴望增强了。The shortage of power dims the streets.由于电力不足,街道昏暗。Environmentalists had been drawing unwelcome attention to the discharge of radioactive waste from nuclear power-stations.环保主义者呼吁人们关注核电站放射性废料排放的问题,这是有些人不想看到的。He's decided to go to university. More power to his elbow!他决定上大学了。愿他成功! Individual states do not have the power to declare war.各州无权宣战。Her resignation left a power vacuum in the government.她的辞职造成政府出现了权力真空。The sun is the ultimate store of power.太阳是动力的根本源泉。Nuclear power makes a valuable contribution to the environment by curbing carbon dioxide emissions.核能抑制二氧化碳的排放,对环境作出了宝贵的贡献。He did everything in his power to find us somewhere to live.他尽全力为我们找住处。The guidelines weight the decision-making power towards the examiners.这些方针使考官们具有更大的决定权。After the emperor died, power passed to his eldest son.皇帝去世后,皇位传给了他的长子。The law tilts the balance of power towards corporations. 这一法律给予公司更多权力。He used his position to establish himself as a power broker.他利用自己的职位确立了自己政治掮客的地位。She rose to undreamed-of heights of power and fame.她的权力和声望上升到她做梦都想不到的高度。The United States had replaced Great Britain as the dominant world power.美国取代英国成为了头号世界强国。They are threatening to use air/military power to resolve the conflict.他们威胁要用空军/军事力量解决冲突。The economic power of many Asian countries has grown dramatically in recent years.近年来许多亚洲国家的经济实力有了显著的增长。He had more power than any ruler of Spain until Franco.他比西班牙任何统治者的权力都大,直到佛朗哥上台。The food in the freezer had thawed during a power cut.冰箱里的食物在停电期间化开了。The new president came into power last month.新总统上个月开始执政。This Government deserved to lose power a year ago. It held on.这届政府一年前就该下台了。可它还在撑着。




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