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词汇 on the carpet
例句 There is only one bed in the room, so one of them has to improvise on the carpet.房间里只有一张床,所以他们中得有一人必须凑合睡在地毯上。There was a dark stain on the carpet.地毯上有块黑色的污点。He was/got called on the carpet for missing the deadline.他因错过了截止时间被训斥了一顿。God help you if you spill anything on the carpet.你要是把什么东西洒到了地毯上就有你好看的。Detectives found a few spots of blood on the carpet.侦探在地毯上发现了一些血迹。You'd better wipe up that coffee you spilled on the carpet before it sinks in.趁洒在地毯上的咖啡没有渗进去之前,你最好把它擦干净。He was put on the carpet for failing in his mission.他因未完成任务而受斥责。Mum threw a wobbly when I spilt my drink on the carpet.我把饮料洒到了地毯上,妈妈很生气。Isabelle was quickly called on the carpet for her remarks.因为言论不当,伊莎贝尔很快被叫去训斥了一顿。There's still a stain on the carpet that I can't shift.地毯上还有一处污迹我没法弄干净。The dog went wee-wee on the carpet. 那只狗在地毯上撒了泡尿。Sean was stretched out on the carpet, listening to music.肖恩伸直身子躺在地毯上听音乐。The cat's been sick on the carpet.那只猫吐在地毯上了。The cleaning fluid worked like a charm on the carpet stain.这种清洁液功效神奇,地毯污渍立马消失了。There was something fresh on the carpet.有新情况要讨论。Her trunk reposed on the carpet.她的旅行箱放在地毯上。Fido left another mess on the carpet.菲多又在地毯上拉屎了。He danced barefoot on the carpet.他赤脚在地毯上跳舞。Why don't we hide that stain on the carpet with a scatter rug?为什么我们不用一张装饰小地毯盖住地毯上的污点?The doggie wee-weed on the carpet.小狗在地毯上尿尿了。The cat curled up on the carpet.猫蜷卧在地毯上。I've upset a tin of paint on the carpet.我将一罐油漆打翻在地毯上。There was a dark red stain on the carpet.地毯上有一处深红色的污迹。The children kept dripping their drinks on the carpet.孩子们总是把饮料滴在地毯上。He was called on the carpet by his boss to explain his excessive spending.他被老板叫去,要他解释为什么会超支。She dripped paint on the carpet.她把油漆滴在了地毯上。Where did that stain on the carpet come from?地毯上的那块污渍是怎么弄上的?If you spill coffee on the carpet, try to rub it out immediately with a damp cloth.如果把咖啡洒在地毯上,设法立即用湿布擦掉。A sotted woman sat on the carpet and started to weep.一个醉得稀里糊涂的妇人坐在地毯上开始哭起来。There were several splashes of white paint on the carpet.地毯上溅有几点白色的油漆。The puppy relieved himself on the carpet.小狗在地毯上撒了泡尿。The grape juice left a stain on the carpet.葡萄汁洒在地毯上留下了污渍。The dog made a mess on the carpet.狗在地毯上拉了屎。Broken glass lay scattered on the carpet.碎玻璃散落在地毯上。




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