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词汇 acid
例句 Whether he would accept a pay cut would be the acid test of his loyalty to the company.他是否接受减薪将是他对公司忠诚度的试金石。The back pages are full of acid comments about the goalkeeper.最后几页中充斥着对守门员的刻薄评论。Add more sugar if it tastes too acid.如果味道太酸就多加些糖。Her latest album makes extensive use of samples from a wide range of acid jazz tracks.她的最新专辑从各种类型的迷幻爵士乐中选用了大量节录乐曲。These wines may taste rather hard and somewhat acid.这些葡萄酒喝起来可能有点冲还有点酸。They smoke joints and drop acid.他们抽大麻烟卷,吸食迷幻药。Sulfur emissions from steel mills become acid rain.炼钢厂排放出的硫形成了酸雨。This venture is seen as an acid test of the alliance.这次冒险被视为对同盟的决定性考验。The books are printed on acid-free paper so they will last for generations.这些书是用无酸纸印刷的,寿命很长。Nor is acid rain always, and universally, a bad thing.酸雨也并非在任何情况下都是坏事。I was expecting another of his acid remarks, but he remained silent.我等着他再说一句刻薄的话,但他不吭声了。These drugs may elevate acid levels in the blood.这些药可能增加血液的酸度。The play passed the critics’ acid test.这部戏剧过了评论家们严苛的一关。An acid can react with a base to form a salt.酸和碱反应会产生盐。These shrubs must have an acid, lime-free soil.这些灌木必须生长在不含石灰的酸性土壤环境。The acid burned a hole in the cloth.酸液在布上烧了个洞。No one is safe from his acid pen.没有人能逃得过他辛辣的文笔。Mild cases of heartburn and acid reflux can be treated by simple lifestyle changes.心口灼热和酸水倒流这些症状在不严重的时候都可以通过改变生活方式缓解。The battery cells have to be charged with acid.蓄电池中必须注满酸液。The region has been damaged by acid rain and rivers are fouled almost beyond recovery.这一地区遭到酸雨的破坏,河流污染之严重几乎无法恢复原状。Indigestion is caused by excess acid in the stomach.消化不良是由于胃酸过多而引起的。Anne is possessed of an acid tongue.安妮说话尖酸刻薄。This comedy of contemporary manners is told with compassion and acid humour.这部当代风尚喜剧杂糅了悲悯的情怀和尖酸的幽默。Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide combine to form acid rain.二氧化硫和氮氧化物结合形成酸雨。Discarded acid should be neutralized with alkali before disposal.废酸在丢弃前应该用碱来中和。Cars cause pollution, both smog and acid rain.汽车会造成污染,导致出现烟雾和酸雨。She dipped the metal in a bath of acid.她把这个金属浸在酸液浴锅里。The acid had burnt a hole in my sweater.酸把我的毛线衫烧了个洞。The acid in the vinegar congeals the soy milk into tofu.醋里的酸将豆浆凝固成豆腐。The acid burned a hole in her coat.她的外套被酸烧了一个洞。You will need a special chemical to neutralize the acid.你需要一种特殊的化学物质来中和这种酸。He was on an acid trip.他服用迷幻药产生了幻觉。The objects are cleaned in a bath of acid.这些物品在一缸酸液里清洗过。I found some powdered battery acid in the engine-room.我在发动机舱里发现了一些粉状的电池酸。They were tripping on acid.他们服用致幻药后产生了幻觉。People ask if the team is good enough. This match will be the acid test.人们问那支球队是不是够好,经过这场比赛的考验就可见分晓。The new team faced its first acid test when it played the national champions.在打全国冠军赛时,这支新队伍面临着严峻的考验。Wear cotton gloves when cleaning silver, because the acid in your skin can tarnish the metal.清洁银器时要戴上棉手套,因为你皮肤里的酸性物质会使它失去光泽。He burned himself with acid.他用酸把自己烧伤了。Amino acid is synthesized in the body.氨基酸在体内合成。




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