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词汇 pounded
例句 He pounded on the door like a man possessed, yelling for someone to let him in.他发狂地用力敲门,大喊着让他进去。The sea shells are pounded into small fragments by the Atlantic.大西洋水流的冲击使得贝壳都碎成了小片。The hurricane pounded the Bahamas.飓风猛烈袭击了巴哈马。He pounded his way through the mob.他左右挥击冲出乱哄哄的人群。The woman pounded the counter with her knuckles.女人用指关节重重地敲了敲柜台。The witch doctor pounded away at a large drum.巫医不停敲击着大鼓。Everyone sang as Mother pounded out the family favourites on the piano.随着母亲在钢琴上重重弹奏出一首首家里人都喜爱的歌曲,大家都唱起歌来。The two fleets pounded away at each other until nightfall.两支舰队互相猛烈开火,直至黄昏。As I pounded the punchbag in the studio I imagined that it was Ed.我在摄影棚里猛击吊袋,把它想象成埃德。She pounded on the door with both fists.她用两个拳头捶门。Thomas pounded on the door with his fist.托玛斯用拳头捶门。My heart pounded with joy.我的心高兴得怦怦直跳。She paused as she pounded the maize grains.她捣玉米粒时停了一下。The blood pounded in her ears.她耳朵里的血管突突直跳。Here the loose earth had been pounded flat by thousands of feet.这里松软的泥土被无数双脚踏平了。Bombers pounded the city all night.轰炸机整个晚上都在轰炸这座城市。Green pounded his fist on the counter.格林用拳头敲打柜台。My parents pounded it into my head never to talk to strangers.我父母再三教导我决不要和陌生人交谈。He pounded some garlic and ginger and put it in the pan.他捣了一些蒜和姜放入锅里。The ship pounded through heavy seas.船在汹涌的海面上破浪前进。The enemy artillery pounded away.敌人的大炮连续轰击。Diago pounded an angry fist against the wall.迪亚戈愤怒地用拳头砸墙。Waves pounded against the side of the boat.浪花拍击着船舷。Two typhoons in a month pounded the city.在一个月中,台风两次袭击这座城市。He pounded his fist on the table.他狠狠地用拳头捶桌子。He pounded the desk in exasperation.他愤怒地捶打着桌子。Heavy feet pounded on the platform of the blockhouse.沉重的脚步在掩体台上走动。They had all the rules of journalism pounded into their heads.他们的头脑中已被灌输了新闻业的各种规则。He pounded away all night at his computer, writing the report.他整个晚上都守在电脑前写报告。The metal is heated and then pounded into shape.金属加热后,被敲打成形。The ship was pounded by huge waves.船遭到巨浪的猛烈拍击。Heavy waves pounded the shore.巨浪拍打着海岸。The enemy pounded the area with heavy artillery.敌人用重炮轰击这个地区。She pounded down the hall to see what had happened.她嗵嗵嗵地跑过大厅,想看看发生了什么事。He pounded the pavement looking for a job.他踯躅街头,寻找工作。She pounded the nails into the wood.她将钉子钉到木头上。The horses pounded up the track.马咚咚地在跑道上奔驰。The rain pounded down on her.雨滴拍打在她身上。German artillery pounded enemy positions.德国大炮猛烈轰击敌方阵地。The wheat is pounded into flour.小麦被打成面粉。




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