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词汇 被处决
例句 It later emerged that prisoners at the camp were routinely tortured, and many executed.后来才知道,营里的战俘经常遭到拷打,还有不少被处决了。The bodies of executed criminals were hung on the city gates as a deterrent.被处决的罪犯的尸体挂在城门上示众。He was granted a reprieve only a few hours before his execution.他在被处决前几小时获得缓刑。He was executed by lethal injection.他是以死亡注射的方式被处决的。If caught, the men could face execution.如果被捕,这些人可能被处决The woman was executed for her perfidy.这名妇女因其不忠贞行为被处决She was taken prisoner and suffered eventual execution.她被捕入狱,最终被处决The hour of his execution was approaching.被处决的时刻就要到来了。Protestors were executed, jailed or otherwise persecuted.抗议者被处决、监禁或受到其他方式的迫害。The rebellion was put down and its leaders were executed.叛乱遭到镇压,领导的人也被处决He had no desire to share the fate of his executed comrades.他不想遭受与他那些被处决的同志同样的命运。He was executed as a martyr to his Catholic faith.他因为信仰天主教而被处决成了殉道者。The film was a strong version of a story about a man being executed in the civil war.这部影片是根据一个在内战时期被处决者的故事改编的,内容震撼人心。By a strange twist of fate the judge died on the very day that Cordell was executed.因为命运奇怪的安排,法官就在科德尔被处决的那一天死了。The king was executed and a republic proclaimed.国王被处决,共和国宣布成立。He did not witness her execution, yet he and the others are complicit in her death.他没有亲眼目睹她被处决,但他和其他人对她的死都难脱干系。The city was agog with rumours last night that the two had been executed.那两人已被处决的传言昨晚搞得全城沸沸扬扬。The deserter was executed at the general's word.逃兵按将军的命令被处决了。In wartime many people accused of betraying their country were executed.在战时许多被指控叛国的人都被处决The mastermind behind the scheme was executed after a brief trial.阴谋的幕后策划者经过简短审讯便被处决了。He is thought to have made accusations against an American lieutenant which led to the latter's execution.据信他曾控告一名美国中尉,致使后者被处决The show uses Zondo's trial and execution as its framework.这部戏以桑多的受审和被处决作为基本框架。The political prisoner was executed after a secret trial.那名政治犯在受秘密审判后被处决了。




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