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词汇 pot
例句 To get the plant out of the pot, turn it upside down and give it a gentle knock.如果要把植物从盆里取出来,就要把花盆翻过来,轻轻敲一下。Put all the ingredients in a large pot.把所有的配料放进一口大锅里。She'd made a large pot of chicken soup.她做了一大锅鸡汤。The secret is always to warm the pot before putting in the tea.秘诀是在倒入茶水前把壶暖好。I've just drunk a whole pot of tea!我刚喝了整整一壶茶!Make a hole in the bottom of each plant pot to let the water drain out.在每个花盆的底部开一个洞,让水流出去。We usually have a pot roast for Sunday lunch.我们星期天午饭常吃炖牛肉。He took a pot shot at her and missed.他胡乱向她开了一枪,但没射中。Yoghurt had leaked out of the pot all over my lunchbox.酸奶从罐里漏出来,流得我的午餐盒内到处都是。She made a pot of tea for her guests.她给客人沏了一壶茶。Pierce small holes in the base of the pot with a hot needle.用一根烧红了的针在盆底扎出一些小洞。Their fate is still in the melting pot.他们的命运仍然难以预料。I filled the pot with a handful of loose earth.我将一把松散的泥土装进盆子里。She fashioned the clay into a pot.她用黏土制成个罐。A large terracotta pot planted with Busy Lizzie provides a fiery bright red display.一个栽种了凤仙花的大赤陶罐里开出了明艳如火的花朵。Cover the pot and bake for an hour.把锅盖上,烤一小时。You can't put a quart into a pint pot.你不能做那不可能的事。There was a big pot of soup on the stove.炉子上有一大锅汤。Pot on the seedlings into a larger pot.把籽苗移栽到更大的花盆里。After the pot is dipped in this mixture, it is fired.陶罐在这一混合料中浸过之后就拿去烧制。The city is a melting pot of different cultures.这座城市是不同文化的大熔炉。I threw in a question, just to keep the pot boiling while my brain caught up.我插进了一个问题,只是为了在我整理思路时保持大家的兴趣。Although the handle is broken, the tea pot is still usable.虽然手柄断了,但茶壶还能用。It's a creative melting pot for young artists.对于年轻的艺术家来说,这是一个具有创造性的熔炉。She won the pot with a flush.她靠同花顺赢了这局的全部赌注。They chose a red clay pot decorated with patterns in dull white paint.他们选了一个红色的陶罐,上面饰有用没有光泽的白漆描绘的图案。He sometimes smokes pot.他有时候会吸大麻。Enclose the pot in a clear polythene bag.将罐子装在透明的塑胶袋中。A pot of soup was cooking on the stove.炉灶上正炖着一锅汤。Water bubbled in the pot.水在锅里沸腾。To remove the plant, turn the pot upside down and tap gently on the bottom to loosen it.要移动这株植物,先把花盆倒扣过来,然后轻敲花盆底部使其松动。The steam from the pot was fogging the window near the stove.锅里的蒸气使炉子旁的窗户蒙上了雾气。New York has always been a great melting pot.纽约向来就是个种族大熔炉。Shall I ring for a fresh pot of tea?.要我按铃叫一壶新沏的茶水吗?Turn the pot if the plants show signs of bending towards the light.如果花草有向阳性,就把花盆转一下。The government lent the company some money to keep the pot boiling.政府贷给那家公司一笔款子,使它继续兴旺发达。Make a hole in the bottom of the plant pot to allow the water to drain out.在花盆的底部钻个孔,以便让水流出。It's easy to tell if a pot has been made by hand.很容易能看出罐子是不是手工制的。The pot had been badly glazed.这个罐子上釉上得很差。Coffee steamed in the richly decorated silver pot.咖啡在装饰精美的银壶中冒着热气。




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