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词汇 positions
例句 We will need you and the chairman standing shoulder to shoulder on basic positions.我们需要你和主席在一些基本立场上共同进退。They've started giving really responsible positions to people who are actually still wet behind the ears.他们已经开始把责任重大的岗位给一些还乳臭未干的人了。In the past, navigation depended on a knowledge of the positions of the stars.过去,导航在很大程度上依靠对星星位置的认识。Air force jets have been pounding rebel positions all day.空军的喷气式飞机整天都在轰炸叛军的据点。Government troops launched an offensive against UNITA positions in the north.政府军向争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟的北方阵地发动进攻。They plotted the new positions of each vessel.他们测定了每一条船的新位置。Women have often been excluded from positions of power in the public sphere.女性常常被排除在公共领域的实权职位之外。When lifting heavy weights, make sure that your back is in the correct positions.举重物时背部保持恰当的姿势。The receiver and the quarterback are going to trade positions.接球手与四分卫将会对换位置。Many people apply for these positions, but only a few make the grade.应聘这些职位的人很多,但只有少数人能成功。Several positions on the team are still up for grabs.球队仍有好几个空缺位置可供争夺。UN peacekeeping forces are expected to take up positions along the border.联合国维和部队估计会在边界线上就位。The Home Office was always trying to foist its placemen into senior police positions.英国内政部一直试图把其官员偷偷塞进警方高层。The chart shows the positions of the constellations in the night sky.这张图标出了夜空中各个星座的方位。The heavy guns of the fleet bombarded the enemy's coastal positions.舰队的重炮袭击了敌人的沿海阵地。Gunmen have repeatedly sniped at US Army positions.持枪匪徒一再朝美军阵地放冷枪。Our company only has one or two vacant positions at the moment.我们公司目前只有一两个空缺职位。These students then proceed out into the world to positions of leadership.此后,这些学生走出校门,担任起不同领导岗位的职务。The positions of the two sides hardened.双方的立场变得更强硬了。I measured the distance and compass direction between successive positions.我测量了相连位置间的距离和罗盘方向。There was a mad scramble to fill vacant positions at the school.那所学校空缺的名额遭到疯抢。US troops are redeploying to positions held earlier.美国军队正对早先控制的地点重新布防。He probes the enemy's weak positions, ignoring his strongholds.他侦察敌人兵力薄弱的位置,对其要塞不予理睬。The candidate caused consternation among his supporters by changing positions on a key issue.这位候选人在关键问题上改变立场,让他的支持者们非常震惊。The two women hold substantially equivalent positions in the two companies.这两位女士在这两家公司中的职位大体相当。The artillery had a field day with the enemy positions.火炮向敌军阵地大发威力。The satellite is designed to measure the angular positions of stars in the sky.这颗卫星是为测量恒星的角位置而设计的。Rebel gunmen took up positions on rooftops as tanks entered the town.当坦克开进镇里的时候,持枪的叛乱分子占据了房顶的位置。Younger employees are being appointed to managerial positions.较年轻的职员们正被安排到管理职位上。Actors, please assume/take your positions. The show is about to begin.请演员各就各位,演出就要开始了。Most government employees had become parasites, expecting to retain their positions through friendship or political favor.大多数政府雇员成了寄生虫,都指望通过朋友关系或政治上的好处来保住自己的职位。The management will have to think seriously about their positions.管理层将不得不认真考虑他们的立场。Some people retreat into positions of hard irony and cynicism.有些人遇事就采取冷嘲热讽的态度规避。Women are attaining powerful and prestigious managerial positions.妇女开始获得有权势、有威望的管理职位。His positions are based on political calculation of what voters want to hear.他的立场是基于迎合选民的政治盘算。We try to fill our executive positions by promotion from within.我们试图通过内部提升的方式来填补行政职位空缺。More women are attaining positions of power.越来越多的女性获得要职。What hope is there, if people in positions of power continue to promote outmoded attitudes?.如果当权者仍然抱残守缺,还有什么希望可言?He plays defensive positions brilliantly.他的防守打得十分出色。We pulled back from positions of weakness where we were overextended.我们从战线拉得过长的薄弱阵地上撤回来。




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