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词汇 polish
例句 He blacked his boots with polish.他给靴子打上黑色鞋油。She wore red nail polish.她涂着红色的指甲油。The company needs to polish up its image.那家公司需要改善一下自己的形象。I need more shoe/furniture polish.我需要更多的鞋油/地板蜡。Your essay needs to be polished up. = You need to polish up your essay.你的文章需要润饰一下。Women with longer nails should leave more polish on the brush.女人如果指甲较长,就要在刷子上多涂些指甲油。Are you trying to apple-polish me?你是想讨好我吗?What a high polish you have on your furniture!你家具上的光泽多好啊!I must polish up my French before I go to Paris.在去巴黎前我必须再提高一下法语。It might be better to use dubbin rather than polish on your walking boots.使用皮革防水油擦你的轻便靴可能比单纯擦亮更好。Use brown polish on these shoes.给这双皮鞋上棕色鞋油。Would you polish up the article a bit?你把文章再润色一下好吗? They just need to polish their technique.他们只需在技术上再完善一下。This is a musical with polish and wit.这部音乐剧完美优雅而又富有风趣。It was Christmas, so Ellen gave the dining room a little extra spit and polish.圣诞节到了,埃伦把饭厅再仔细地打扫了一下。The stone takes a high polish. 这块石头可以打磨得锃亮。It took a considerable amount of polish and elbow grease before the brass shone like new.经过大量的抛光和擦拭,黄铜光亮如新。It's an honest book but it lacks polish.这书写得很实在,只是缺少一点雕琢。She plays the piano with great polish.她钢琴弹得完美无缺。Most leathers take a high polish.多数皮革一擦就亮。All it needs is a lick of polish and it'll look like new.所要做的就是在它表面涂上一层亮漆,这样它看起来就会像新的一样。We'll polish off the chicken tonight.今晚我们要把这整只鸡干掉。The shellac nail polish is painted instead of glued onto your nails. It has the advantage of not being easy to chip off.虫胶指甲油是涂在而不是贴在你原先的指甲上,它较不容易脱落。If you polish the article, we will print it in the newspaper.如果你把这篇文章润色一下,我们就在报上发表它。She stopped to give her glasses a polish.她停下来把眼镜擦了擦。All the car needs is some spit and polish.这辆车需要的只是一些精心擦洗。Her nails were perfectly rounded and painted with delicate pink nail-polish.她的指甲形状非常圆,涂着嫩粉红色的指甲油。The poet may once in a while pause and polish.那诗人间或会驻笔润色一番。The wooden panelling was gleaming with wax polish.木嵌板上过蜡,显得很光亮。You can improve the polish by using beeswax.你涂些蜂蜡就能更有光泽。Don't hit the old man too hard, you might polish him off by mistake.不要把那老头打得太厉害,你会失手打死他的。It's a lively, good-hearted film but it lacks a little polish.这部电影充满活力、用心良苦,只是缺乏一点点睛之笔。The length of the car and the high polish of its fittings both spoke of money.长车身和高档配置无不象征着财富。Use acetone to remove polish.用丙酮除去指甲油。The movie has the polish we've come to expect from that director.这部电影很精彩,导演不负众望。Did you polish off all the wine last night?你昨晚把酒都喝光了吗?The soldiers are supposed to polish their shoes last thing at night.士兵们临睡前必须擦鞋。She gave the statue a quick polish.她快速地把雕塑擦亮。Wax polish gives a high shine to wood furniture.用蜡打磨,可以使木制家具富有光泽。Apply the polish with a soft cloth.用一块柔软的布打上上光剂。




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