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词汇 policemen
例句 Drunken football fans began directing a stream of abusive language at the policemen.喝醉了酒的球迷开始用一串串脏话谩骂警察。Some of the policemen walking amongst the crowds were not in uniform.一些走在人群中的警察没有穿制服The investigation into the accident was carried out by two policemen.两名警察对这一事故展开调查。There was a whole truckload of riot policemen.有整整一卡车的防暴警察。The policemen laid for the bandits along the road.警察埋伏在路边等著袭击匪徒。The presence of the two policemen unsettled her.两名警察在场,让她感到不安。The policemen stopped the fight.警察制止了这场斗殴。Sitting with the officer were two other policemen.同这位警官坐在一起的是另外两位警察。The policemen kept the spectators back from the President.警察不让围观群众靠近总统。One of the policemen from the drug unit will be visiting local schools.缉毒科的一名警员将访问当地学校。The policemen collared some drugpushers.警察逮住了几个毒品贩。Two policemen were assigned to guard the prisoner.两位警察被派去看守那名犯人。The policemen admitted beating the student, but said they were acting on orders from above.警察承认打过这名学生,但说他们只是奉命行事。He looked up to see two policemen coming towards him.他抬起头看见两个警察正朝他走来。Three policemen were needed to break up the fight.需要三名警察来制止这场斗殴。A solid phalanx of policemen blocked the road.警察组成的密集人墙封锁了道路。It's a sad indictment of society that policemen are regarded as easy targets by thugs.警察很容易就成了暴徒下手袭击的对象,这是一个社会的悲哀。The policemen forced the criminals to give up their arms.警察迫使罪犯放下武器。Our coach was escorted by a score of policemen.我们乘坐的客车有二十个警察护送。One of the young policemen sprang to her assistance.有个年轻的警察赶紧过去帮她。The woman claimed that she had been punched and kicked by one of the policemen.那女人称自己遭其中一名警察拳打脚踢。He was bundled into a car by the policemen.他被警察推入汽车。I've never seen so many policemen.我从未见过这么多警察。They said the song blatantly encouraged the killing of policemen.他们说这首歌明目张胆地煽动杀害警察。The bandits laid for the policemen along the road.匪徒埋伏在路边准备袭击警察。The policemen bore up to their duty in the face of the mob.面对暴民,警察始终忠于职守。The policemen led them captives to a distant land.警察把他们押送到远方。They killed four policemen while robbing a bank.他们抢劫一家银行的时候杀了四名警察。He was bewildered to find three policemen at the front door.他看到前门有三个警察,感到大惑不解。I feel that there's a lot of pressure put on policemen. And as for putting guns in their hands, I don't think that's a very good idea at all.我觉得给警员的压力太大了。至于让他们佩枪,我并不认为是一个明智之举。He raced off down the street, hotly pursued by two policemen.他沿街飞奔而去,两名警察在后面紧追不舍。The policemen rushed past him, shouldering him aside.警察从他身边匆匆而过,把他挤到一边。He wounded two policemen in making his getaway.他在逃跑过程中打伤了两名警察。The town had a cheerful air of normalcy despite the extra policemen everywhere.尽管各处都增派了警力,镇上的气氛却是欢乐如常。The crowds were dispersed by policemen on horseback.人群被骑著马的警察所驱散。Almost immediately afterwards two policemen arrived.两名警察几乎随后就到。They dreamed of someday becoming policemen, firemen, or soldiers.他们梦想着有一天成为警察、消防员或军人。Eight policemen then spent two years combing through the evidence.而后八名警官用两年时间对证据进行了梳理。Recently a number of policemen were sentenced to death for their complicity in the murder.最近,几名警察因串谋杀人被判处死刑。Many of them were policemen, with their heavy faces and cropped hair.他们中有很多人表情阴郁,留着平头,一看就是警察。




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