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词汇 points
例句 Coordinate Tracking is available for scatter and regression plots to quickly locate individual data points.同等的跟踪适用于少量和回归密谋迅速找到个别的取值点。The cardinal points on a compass are North, South, East, and West.罗盘上的基本方位是东、南、西、北。The terrain's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles.在这个地区的制高点能够看到洛杉矶的全景。He's not too smart, but he gets points for effort. 他并不特别聪明,但他很努力,应该得到表扬。We held diametrically opposing points of view.我们持有截然相反的观点。Leeds kept quiet, stuck to their game plan and quietly racked up the points.利兹队毫不张扬,坚持自己的战术,不知不觉中得分在增加。Change trains here for all points south.往南去的都在这里换车。The Palm Springs police most likely have an all-points bulletin out on her right now.棕榈泉市警察现在极有可能已经详细通报了有关她的信息。I think we'd better deal with these two points separately.我想我们最好还是分开处理这两件事。He also points out that forward planning can help avoid stressful pitfalls.他也指出,预先计划可有助于消除令人不安的隐患。When will the Minister at the Department of the Environment stop making cheapjack political points?环境部部长什么时候才会停止提出卑劣的政治观点?They can always improve by working on their weak points.他们总能通过克服自身的弱点来得以提高。I wanted to rack up as many points as possible.我想尽可能多地攒积分。Cedric was trying to instruct his girlfriend in the finer points of leg spin bowling.锡德里克正在试着给女朋友讲明白内旋投球的微妙之处。The recent treatment of asylum-seekers points up the issue even more.最近对避难申请者的处理更加突出了这方面的问题。It may be necessary to stop at intervals and go back over key points in the lesson.可能有必要不时停下来复习一下该课的重点。For the sake of clarity she went back over the key points.为清晰起见,她把要点又回顾了一遍。The trees will be planted at the points marked on the diagram.将在图中标出的地点植树。I'll take you up on two points in your talk.我对你所讲的其中两点表示异议。The movie uses humour to make its points.这部电影通过幽默来表达观点。The locus of points equidistant from a given point is a circle.与一个定点等距的点的轨迹是个圆。The enemy's defences are permeable at several points.敌人的防御有好几处是可突破的。Break up your text with bullet points.用方形符号把你的文本分成几个部分。Let me reiterate the most important points.让我把最重要的几点重说一遍。The following article explains four key points that all new investors should understand.下面的文章对所有新投资者都应该弄懂的四个要点作了解释。The big companies dominate the lower price points.大公司在低端价格领域占主导地位。It was decided that the team should receive a fine rather than a points deduction.作出的决定是这支队伍应被罚款而不是扣分。Scan the newspaper article quickly and make a note of the main points.把报上的那篇文章快速浏览一遍,记下要点。Treat any tender points by massaging.用按摩法治疗疼痛部位。Steve Smith scored all nine of the Hawks' points in overtime.鹰队的全部九分都是史蒂夫·史密斯在加时赛中拿到的。I'll just summarize the main points of the argument in a few words.我会用几句话把争论的要点概括一下。Two points determine a line.两点确定一条直线。I disagree with some of her points, but fundamentally she's right.我不同意她的某些观点,但她基本上是正确的。All our border points are on full alert.我们所有的边防站都处于全面戒备状态。The points of the compass are north, south, east, and west.罗盘上的四个方位点是北、南、东和西。In American football, a touchdown scores six points.美式橄榄球中,达阵得六分。The train rattled as it went over the points.火车哐啷哐啷驶过道岔。A number of interesting points came up at today's meeting.今天的会议上有几个有趣的观点被提了出来。We have several talking points we need to cover.我们有几个论题需要处理。Swindon were six points down at one stage.斯温顿曾一度落后六分。




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