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There are never any taxis plying for trade/hire in our area.我们这一地区从来都没有出租车在这里候客。I noticed a couple of prostitutes plying for business on the corner.我看到拐角处有几个妓女在拉客。Dealers are openly plying drugs in school playgrounds.毒品贩子公然在校园操场上兜售毒品。She passed the market traders noisily plying their wares.她走过一群高声兜售商品的小贩。She makes a living as a writer, busily plying her pen each day.她以写作为生,每日笔耕不辍。All manner of street sellers were plying their trade.形形色色的沿街小贩都在做着自己的买卖。John's been plying me with drinks all evening.约翰整个晚上都在给我斟酒。Wood-carvers were plying their trade in the town square.木雕艺人们在小镇广场上雕刻作品。Someone who is plying you with gifts probably wants something in return.一个不断送你礼物的人很可能是想从你那儿得到什么回报。The company is plying for trade in America.公司正在美国拓展生意。He kept plying me with questions. I thought I was never going to get away.他追着我问,我想自己绝对是跑不掉了。 |