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词汇 answer the question
例句 I'm not trying to trick you - just answer the question.我没打算要骗你,只管回答问题。But that still doesn't answer the question of what mechanism might be at work.不过,这仍然没有说明是什么原理在起作用。Maggie stuck up her hand to answer the question.玛吉举手回答问题。Several students raised their hands to answer the question.好几个学生举手回答这个问题。You should be able to answer the question in a single sentence, and a short one at that.你应该能用一个句子,而且是一个简短的句子来回答这个问题。Just answer the question.请回答这个问题。She answered the question with confidence.她自信地回答了问题。Her brain seized up when she tried to answer the question.当她正要回答这个问题时,脑子突然什么也想不起来了。The treasury minister flannelled and failed to answer the question.财政部长顾左右而言他,没有回答这个问题。Steadying his voice, Adam began to answer the question.稳定了一下他的嗓音,亚当开始回答问题。On my insistence that he answer the question, he complied.经我坚持他非回答这问题不可,他总算依从了。He refused to answer the question.他拒绝回答问题。It's impossible for me to answer the question.我没法回答这个问题。He answered the question with a cautious reply.他谨慎地回答了这个问题。The speaker fumbled for the right word to answer the question.演讲者笨嘴拙舌地想找到合适的词来回答这个问题。You don't have to answer the question if you don't want to.如果你不愿意回答这个问题,就不必回答。What he told me does not fully answer the question of what his motives were.他对我说的话并没有完全回答他的动机是什么这个问题。The teacher fumbled for the right word to answer the question.演讲者笨拙地寻找合适的词来回答问题。Please stop stalling and answer the question.别再拖延时间了,直接回答问题。Only one person can answer the question namely you.只有一个人能回答这个问题,那就是你。Leave a blank if you can't answer the question.假使你不能回答这问题,就留空白。Let's answer the question in general; we haven't time to consider all the niceties.我们笼统地回答这个问题吧;我们没有时间考虑全部细节。The witness was admonished for failing to answer the question.证人因没有回答问题而受到警告。On the advice of counsel , she refused to answer the question.她遵循律师的建议,拒绝回答这个问题。He refused to answer the question directly.他拒绝直接回答这个问题。She answered the question in the negative.她对问题给出了否定的回答。The minister looked again at her brief before rising to answer the question.部长在起身回答问题之前又看了一眼她的摘要。The witness wisely refused to answer the question.目击者巧妙地拒绝了这个问题。The book fails to answer the question with any acceptable degree of certainty.这本书对这一问题的回答不够确切,令人难以接受。I put up my hand to answer the question.我举手回答问题。He didn't bother to answer the question.他懒得回答这个问题。As usual she gave a reply which was wordy and didn't answer the question.像往常一样,她的回答十分啰嗦,而且答非所问。




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