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词汇 electronics
例句 When she confronted him, he made up a tale about her stealing his electronics.她与他当面对质时,他编了个谎话,说她偷了自己的电子设备。One solution might be a merger with another large electronics firm.一个解决办法可能是与另一家大型电子公司合并。There are problems with the system's electronics.系统的电子器件有问题。He was headhunted by a large electronics company.他被一家大型电子公司看中了。All the electronics are housed in a waterproof box.所有电子设备都储放在一个防水盒中。The electronics division was split off into a freestanding company.电子部分离出来组建了一个独立公司。Sales of consumer electronics are up.消费性电子产品的销量是上升的。He built up that electronics company from nothing.他白手起家创办了那家电子公司。Cadmium is a toxic waste product of the electronics industry.镉是电子工业产生的一种有毒废物。The nation's electronics industry made important strides this year to even up its balance of trade.该国的电子产业今年取得了重大进步,平衡了贸易差额。To make it easier to return any unwanted purchases, save the original packaging, especially for electronics and household appliances.购买商品以后,为便于把不要的商品退回,请把原包装保存好,尤其是电子产品和家电产品的原包装。The company sells its batteries mainly through electronics stores.这家公司主要通过电子用品商店售出它生产的电池。For those not totally deaf, electronics holds out hope.电子学给非全聋的人带来了希望。She works for an electronics firm.她在一家电子公司工作。Prices of computers, electronics, and other high-tech products have fallen at a rapid pace.电脑、电子设备以及其他高科技产品的价格已经迅速下跌。The growth in the number of home computers has boosted the electronics sector.家用电脑数量的增长促进了电子业。Silicon Valley remains ground zero for the electronics industry.硅谷仍是电子产业的发展中心。Few U.S. companies have successfully penetrated the Japanese electronics market.很少有美国公司成功地打入日本的电子产品市场。The strength of national electronics industries has become the new test of industrial virility.国家电子工业的实力成了检验工业活力的新标准。My dad influenced me to do electronics.我学电子是受爸爸的影响。Japan is now the undisputed champion of consumer electronics.日本现在是消费类电子产品领域无可匹敌的龙头老大。The Japanese technicians were brought in because of their expertise in electronics.把这些日本技术员请来是因为他们在电子学方面有丰富的专业知识。All the electronics in the world cannot insure against accidents, though.世上没有哪种电子器材能完全避免意外事故的发生。I'm into electronics myself.我本身对电子很感兴趣。Computers and electronics are growth industries and need skilled technicians.计算机与电子行业属于蓬勃发展的产业,需要娴熟的技术人员。The organization's laboratories conduct advanced research in areas such as electronics, biotechnology, and engineering.这个机构的实验室从事电子、生物技术和工程学等领域的高级研究。More relevantly, for our purpose, he had a deep understanding of electronics.更重要的是,他精通电子学,这正是我们所需要的。The radio made by himself is a testimonial to his skill with electronics.他自己制成的这架收音机证明他的电子技术水平。His grandson owns all of the latest newfangled electronics.所有最新的时髦电子产品,他孙子都有。America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics.美国想要免除电子产品等的关税。That company is a giant in the electronics industry.那家公司在电子工业中实力最强。Now, enterprising companies are offering the sleekest Japanese consumer electronics to US consumers.现在,一些有开拓精神的公司向美国消费者出售日本最时髦的消费类电子产品。In the field of consumer electronics, Philips is determined to remain a world leader.在消费类电子产品领域,飞利浦决心继续保持世界领先地位。Weather can interfere with a car's electronics.天气会干扰汽车的电子仪器。Tim Knight is a high-powered businessman who runs his own electronics company.蒂姆·奈特是个干劲十足的商人,管理着自己的一家电子公司。Before the era of electronics, television did not seem practicable.在电子时代之前,电视似乎是不现实的东西。Their company merged with a Japanese electronics giant.他们公司与一家日本电子巨头合并。Television is a limb of the electronics industry.电视是电子工业的一个分支。The term electronics refers to electrically-induced action.电子学这个术语涉及电感作用。Many graduates are employed in the electronics and computing industries.很多毕业生就职于电子和计算机行业。




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