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词汇 platform
例句 The platform jarred as a train rumbled by.列车隆隆驰过时站台受到震动。It was the first time the opposing candidates had shared a platform.这是对立的两位候选人第一次同台演讲。She held her head erect as she walked proudly up to the platform.她昂着头自豪地走向讲台。I'll go and find out which platform the train leaves from.我去查一下这趟火车从哪个站台出发。Test the platform for stability before using it.使用这个平台之前要测试它的稳定性。They were photographed kissing on the platform.他们被拍到在月台上接吻。We didn't want to leave the platform in case the train came.我们不愿离开站台,怕错过火车。An officer stood at a short remove upon the same platform.一名警官站在同一月台上不远处。The party has announced a platform of political and economic reforms.该党公布了政治经济改革的纲领。Nick finished what he was saying and jumped down from the platform.尼克讲完后,从讲台上跳了下来。Radio phone-ins provide a platform for people with strong opinions.广播电话热线节目为那些持有鲜明看法的人提供了一个发表观点的机会。He was coming by train, so I waited on the platform.他坐火车来,所以我在月台上等。An advertising hoarding on the platform caught her attention.站台上的一幅巨幅广告牌吸引了她的注意力。Then a crane hoisted him on to the platform.然后一台升降机将他送到了舞台上。Luckily, the train was still standing at the platform.幸运的是火车还停在站台里。The company plans to use the show as a platform to launch the new soft drink.公司计划以这次展出作为平台推广新的软饮料。The platform went under the weight.平台在重压下塌了。The President described the conference as a platform to cause political mischief.总统称这次大会是制造政治危害的平台。I stood on the platform watching the train pull away.我站在站台上看着火车离站。He mounted the platform and began to speak to the assembled crowd.他登上讲台,开始对集会的群众发表演讲。An elderly lady stood up and said she had a question for the platform.一个年老的女士站起来说,有一个问题要问讲台上的人。He ran along the platform to catch the train.他沿着站台跑去赶火车。She went berserk and began shouting at everybody on the platform.她突然发起了狂,对着台上所有人大喊大叫。He campaigned on a socialist platform.他凭借社会主义纲领参选。The two candidates shared a platform for the question and answer session.在问答阶段,两位候选人站在同一个讲台上。We ran down the platform as the train was pulling in.火车进站时,我们跑下站台。Passengers crowded the platform.月台挤满了乘客。The speaker mounted the platform.那位演讲人登上了讲台。The king mounted the platform to loud cheers.国王在高声的欢呼中登上讲台。We'll use ropes to stabilize the platform.我们将用绳子来固定这个平台。She watched him walk onto the platform.她看着他走到站台上。Who'd have thought platform soles would ever make a comeback?谁料得到厚鞋底还会重新流行起来呢?She saw them embrace on the station platform.她看到他们在站台上拥抱。But Microsoft has demonstrated that owning a particular software platform can enable you to integrate other products into it.但是微软公司业已证明,拥有特定软件平台就可让用户将其他产品整合进去。An elevated platform on the stage collapsed during rehearsals.在排练过程中舞台上垫高的一个平台塌了。We campaigned on a platform of low taxation.我们竞选的纲领是降低税率。The conference provides a platform for people on the left wing of the party.这次会议给该党的左翼人士提供了发表意见的机会。He stepped up onto the platform and looked out into the audience.他走上讲台,向听众望去。There she is on the platform, jazzing on vibraphone and cymbals.她就在舞台上,用电颤琴和钗钹演奏爵士乐。The train drew slowly into a crowded platform.火车徐徐驶进挤满了人的站台。




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