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词汇 overshadowed
例句 Her childhood was overshadowed by her mother's incarceration in a psychiatric hospital.她的母亲被关在精神病院,这给她的童年蒙上了阴影。He felt overshadowed by her eloquence which made him aware of his own communication difficulties.她流利的口才令他觉得自己黯然失色,也使他意识到了自己的交流困难。Those concerns were overshadowed by subsequent events.随后发生的事使之前关注的那些问题显得无足轻重。Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister.凯伦总觉得自己与出名的姐姐相比光彩全无。My happiness was overshadowed by the bad news.这个坏消息给我的幸福蒙上了阴影。Hester is overshadowed by her younger and more attractive sister.赫斯特在她那年轻而且姿色更胜一筹的妹妹面前黯然失色。His lust for life has often overshadowed his music.他对生活的渴望经常凌驾于音乐之上。The achievement of the men's team was overshadowed by the continuing success of the women's team.男子队的成绩在女子队连续的胜利面前相形见绌了。All those weeks had been overshadowed by the tragedy of his disappearance.他失踪的悲剧使这几个星期一直蒙着一层阴影。His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding.他的胜利因为一种令人不安的不祥预感蒙上了阴影。He is overshadowed by his brilliant brother.他那成就辉煌的兄弟使他黯然失色。She felt overshadowed by the success of her brother.她感到哥哥的成功使她黯然失色。Recent peace efforts have been overshadowed by violence.近来为争取和平所做的努力被暴力蒙上了阴影。The game was overshadowed by violence.暴力事件给这次比赛蒙上了阴影。All other laurels are overshadowed by hers.所有的荣誉与她所获得的相比都黯然失色。Their lives are overshadowed by the constant threat of earthquakes.持续不断的地震威胁给他们的生活蒙上了阴影。His last years were overshadowed by financial worry.他生命的最后几年穷困潦倒,十分惨淡。She said stations should be in the open, near housing, not overshadowed by trees or walls.她说车站应该建在住宅区附近的开阔地带,不应为树木或墙壁所遮挡。Grand Central Station in New York is overshadowed by the PanAm building.纽约中央火车站被泛美大厦遮住了阳光。He's always felt rather overshadowed by his sister.他总觉得她的妹妹使他相形见绌。




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