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词汇 plan on
例句 Mechanical problems kept the plane on the ground.机械故障使得飞机停飞。The hijacker commandeered the plane on a domestic flight.劫机者劫持了这架国内客机。She's such a good pilot that she can land her plane on a postage stamp!她是位出色的飞行员,能把飞机降落在巴掌大的地方!They activated their sleepers over there to plan on a terrorist attack on Paris.他们启动了埋伏的恐怖分子,准备对巴黎进行恐怖恐击。We have discussed these plans on numerous occasions.我们已经多次讨论过这些计划。They plan on coming to the party.他们打算来参加聚会。We wanted to bottom our plan on a solid basis.我们想把我们的计划建立在牢固的基础上。I'll agree to the plan on one condition: my name doesn't get mentioned to the press.我会同意这项计划,但是有一个条件:不得向新闻界透露我的名字。She plans on going to college after she serves her time in the army. = She plans on going to college after she puts in her time in the army.她计划在部队服役期满后去念大学。I think we can plan on remaining here until Wednesday.我想我们可以安排在这里呆到星期三。The company plans on capturing a larger segment of the market.公司计划占领更大的市场份额。The closing of the airport knocked our holiday plans on the head.因为机场关闭,我们的度假计划泡汤了。People are putting the cart before the horse by making plans on how to spend the money before we are even certain that the money will be available.还没确定钱一定能到手,就开始盘算着如何花这笔钱,这就是本末倒置。The pilot was able to land the plane on the runway.飞行员得以使飞机在跑道上着陆。I plan on staying in London for the foreseeable future.未来一段时间我计划待在伦敦。Draw up a scale floor plan on squared paper, marking in the door opening and windows.在方格纸上画出成比例的楼层平面图,标出门和窗的位置。She didn't plan on such cold weather.她没料到天气如此寒冷。They plan on coming at Christmas.他们计划耶诞节来。The smell of perfume suggests the girl whom I met in the plane on the way to Lisbon.这种香水味令我想起了飞往里斯本的航班上遇到的那位姑娘。The flier is flying a new-type jet plane on trial.飞行员正在驾驶一架新式喷气机作试验飞行。The crew finally landed the plane on its belly.机组人员终于使飞机以机腹着地降落下来。He plans on taking legal action against the company. 他计划起诉这家公司。We plan on going to the concert—that is, if tickets are still available.我们计划去音乐会,前提是,如果还有票的话。We're going to have to put our plans on ice until we can raise some more money.我们只好推迟我们的计划,等到多筹些钱再说。The committee plans on publishing their findings.委员会准备公布他们的调查结果。I plan on making that material up into a dress.我打算把那块衣料做成一条连衣裙。These craft,when reaching a certain speed,plane on the flat after sections of their hull.当达到一定速度时,这类船以船身后部平坦部分滑行。They plan on putting the motion/resolution to a/the vote this afternoon.他们计划今天下午就这一动议/决议进行投票表决。The crew finally landed the plane on its belly on the soft part of the runway.机组人员终于使飞机腹部在跑道土质松软的部分着地。The hijacker commandeered the plane on a domestic flight.劫机者劫持了这架国内航班客机。She looked over the plans on her way out of the office.她在走出办公室时,粗略地看了一下计划。Two men tried to hijack a plane on a flight from Riga to Murmansk.两名男子试图劫持一架从里加飞往摩尔曼斯克的飞机。You can land a plane on water in an emergency.紧急情况下飞机可以迫降在水上。We don't plan on going anywhere tonight.今晚我们哪儿也不打算去。




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