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词汇 plague
例句 Aggravating delays still plague business travellers.令人恼火的延误仍然困扰着商务旅客。News of the disease raised the specter of a possible plague.有关这个疾病的消息引起了人们的恐慌,害怕会有瘟疫发生。Memories she had no wish to confront began to plague her.那不堪回首的记忆开始折磨起她来。I normally avoid cheap wine like the plague.我一般对廉价的葡萄酒敬而远之。Financial problems continued to plague the company.财政问题继续困扰该公司。Millions died of (the) plague.数百万人死于瘟疫。Pneumonic plague patients may be directly infective.肺鼠疫患者可能有直接传染性。The city is under threat from a plague of rats.这座城市正遭受鼠患威胁。A cholera plague killed many prisoners of war.霍乱疫情夺去了很多战俘的生命。A plague of squirrels is threatening our forests.松鼠灾害正威胁到我们的森林。The region has just suffered a plague of locusts.该地区刚刚遭受了蝗灾。Tim seems to have escaped the cynicism which is the absolute plague of our generation.蒂姆好像并没有染上我们这代人愤世嫉俗的通病。A plague visited the country.一场瘟疫席卷了这个国家。Social problems plague these low-income communities.社会问题困扰着这些低收入社区。A plague of journalists descended on the town.一大群记者来到镇上。The plague struck again for the third time that century.瘟疫又暴发了,那是那个世纪的第三次了。Misfortunes plague this family in season and out of season.这一家终年遭遇不幸。The virulence of the plague had meant that it was not possible for him to travel home immediately.这场瘟疫的致命性意味着他不可能立即回家。Except when they were filming, the two actors avoided each other like the plague.除了拍摄的时候,这两位演员相互之间就像躲避瘟神似的避而不见。I avoid my weird neighbor like the plague.我极力回避我那古怪的邻居。An epidemic of plague was feared.人们担心瘟疫大暴发。The Lord visited a plague upon the city.上帝使瘟疫降临这座城市以示惩罚。The village was ravaged by the plague.这个村庄被瘟疫摧毁了。I would avoid him like the plague when his wife and my parents were around.他的妻子和我的父母在旁边时,我会极力躲着他。The plague descended on this ill-nourished population.瘟疫突然降临到这些营养不良的居民中间。They believed the plague was a visitation of God.他们认为这场瘟疫是上帝的惩罚。There has been a plague of bank robberies in the area.这一地区的银行屡遭抢劫。The plague caused thousands of deaths.鼠疫造成数千人死亡。The village/population was decimated by plague.瘟疫导致村民/人口大幅减少。It is claimed that Ebba prophesied her own death from the plague.据称埃巴预言自己会死于鼠疫。Fleas spread plague from animals to humans.跳蚤将鼠疫从动物传染给人类。The stores had to cope with a plague of burglaries.商店不得不设法对付盗贼之灾。Last year there was a plague of robbery and housebreaking.去年抢劫和入室盗窃成灾。I'm not going to plague you with a lot more questions, Miss Culver.卡尔弗小姐,我不会再问更多的问题来烦你了。A plague on you and your damned percentages!你和你该死的百分比都见鬼去吧!The plague struck again with devastating effect.瘟疫以横扫之势再次来袭。The city is suffering a plague of rats.这个城市正在闹鼠灾。I would avoid him like the plague when his wife and children were around.他妻子和孩子在场的时候,我会极力躲着他。The country was hit by a plague of natural disasters that year.那年这个国家遭受了自然灾害。The church has inspired countless compassionate men and women to help the needy in times of famine, war, and plague.在饥荒、战争和发生瘟疫的时期,教会动员了无数有同情心的男男女女来帮助需要的人。




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