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A few dozen protesters waved placards.几十个抗议者挥舞着标语牌。Candidates are taking their messages to the voters directly through placards and billboards.候选人通过告示和布告牌向选民直接传递信息。The protesters sang songs and waved placards.抗议者唱着歌,挥舞着标语牌。Party loyalists responded as they always do, waving flags and carrying placards.党的忠诚支持者们的反应一如既往,他们挥舞着旗帜,高举着标语牌。The placards will carry the words: PROTECT THE BRITISH PRESS.标语牌上将写上如下文字:保护英国媒体。Party loyalists waved flags and carried placards.党的忠实支持者们挥舞着旗帜,高举着标语牌。They were waving placards and yammering about sexual discrimination.他们挥动着标语,大声抗议性别歧视。Thirty or forty people were holding up placards and chanting.三四十人举着小牌子在反复喊口号。 |