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词汇 pitcher
例句 The manager removed the starting pitcher in the third inning.主教练在第三局时换下了首发的投手。The pitcher is famous for the speed of his delivery.那个投手以投球速度快而闻名。The relief pitcher saved the game.替补投手救援成功。The pitcher struck him out with a curve.投手一个曲线球使他三击未中出局。The pitcher bore down and struck out the last batter.投手拼尽全力,终于将最后一名击球手淘汰出局。He has hit well/poorly against this pitcher in the past.过去他击打这个投手的投球很好/差。The blue pitcher has yellow bands around the neck.那把蓝色水壶的颈上有一圈圈黄色条纹。The pitcher showed pinpoint control of his fastball.投手表现出对快球的精确掌控力。The pitcher started the game shakily.投手一开始表现不好。The relief pitcher was bombed in the ninth inning.替补投手在第九局丢了好几分。The pitcher's slider is his most effective weapon.这名投手的滑行曲线球是他最有力的武器。The pitcher almost picked her off with a quick throw to first base.这名投手抛向第一垒的一记传球差点让她被杀出局。The pitcher put some extra zip on his fastball.那名投手把快球投得更快了。We drank a pitcher of water.我们喝了一壶水。The new pitcher made a great play on that throw to first base.新投手向一垒投出了精彩的一球。The pitcher has fanned six batters in the first three innings.这名投手在前三局中使六名击球手三击不中出局。Their pitcher's got a great arm.他们的投手投掷能力很强。The pitcher didn't give up a hit till the ninth inning.投手到第九局才失掉了一球。The pitcher threw a breaking ball. 投手投出一个曲线球。He has hit this pitcher well/poorly in the past.过去他击打这个投手的投球很好/差。He refilled his glass from the nearby pitcher.他端起旁边的水壶重新斟满了自己的杯子。The pitcher uncorked a wild pitch.棒球投手突然投出一个暴投。The team's new pitcher has never played pro baseball before and is something of an unknown quantity.该队新加盟的投球手以前从没打过职业棒球赛,他的能力有点难以预料。The pitcher was doing well for the first four innings, then the wheels fell off in the fifth.投手前四局表现出色,但在第五局时突然发挥失常。The coach was playing the odds that his pitcher would get through the inning without giving up a run.教练希望他的投手能走运,不失一分地顺利完成这一局。Adams, an excellent new pitcher, may supplant Hayes as starting pitcher by the end of the year.出色的新投手亚当斯可能到年底就会取代海斯而成为先发投手。The pitcher jammed him with an inside fastball.投手向他投了一个内角快球。Our starting pitcher is a lefty.我们的先发投手是左撇子。The pitcher struck out the first three batters he faced.这名投手使他面对的前三名击球手三击不中出局。The coach benched his star pitcher for skipping practice.教练不让明星投手上场,因为他训练缺席。A relief pitcher is warming up in the bullpen.一名替补投手正在投手练习区热身。The manager sent in Jones to pinch-hit for the pitcher.主教练派琼斯上场代替击球以对付投手。He was considered the team's second-best pitcher.他被看作是队中第二好的投手。The pitcher has struggled in his last three outings. 在最后三次投掷中,那位投手已经尽力了。The pitcher blew a fastball by/past the batter.投手投了个快球,从击球手身边擦过。The pitcher heard angry catcalls as he walked off the field.投手离场时听到了愤怒的嘘声。The pitcher gave him a curve and that took him out.投手给他一个刁球,这一球使他出局了。The firing of the team's star pitcher came as a surprise to fans and sports writers alike.这个球队的明星投球手被解雇,让球迷和体育新闻记者都感到吃惊。We razzed the other team's pitcher.我们嘲笑另一队的投手。The team signed the pitcher to a three-year contract.球队和这位投手签了三年的合约。




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