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词汇 婚礼
例句 Truth to tell, John did not want Veronica at his wedding.实话实说,约翰不想让韦罗妮卡参加他的婚礼The wedding was a quiet affair.婚礼是悄悄地进行的。Let's hope it stays fine for the wedding.希望婚礼时天气仍然晴好。They really pushed the boat out for Annie's wedding.他们为了安妮的婚礼确实花了一大笔钱。They haven't set a firm date for their wedding.他们还未确定婚礼的日期。After the wedding the bride and groom went straight to the airport for their flight to Fiji.婚礼之后,新娘新郎直接前往机场搭乘飞机去斐济。His nephew was the ring bearer at his wedding.他侄儿是他婚礼上的捧戒指男孩。A wedding is an emotionally charged situation.婚礼是个让人动情的场合。She invited me to her wedding, but I couldn't go.她邀请我参加她的婚礼,但是我去不了。His mother complains that he makes excuses to chicken out of family occasions such as weddings.他妈妈抱怨他找借口躲避家庭聚会,如婚礼之类的。The wedding was at some stately pile in the country.婚礼在乡下某座恢宏气派的建筑里举行。The magazine has exclusive photos of the wedding.该杂志有该婚礼的独家照片。We never go to church other than for funerals and weddings.除了参加葬礼和婚礼,我们从不去教堂。The wedding was a blast.那场婚礼是一场狂欢。Paul and Samantha came up trumps on yesterday's Open House wedding competition.保罗和萨曼莎在昨天的公开婚礼大赛中意外获胜。Her father's illness cast a shadow over the wedding celebrations.她父亲的病给婚礼投下了阴影。I wouldn't have felt properly married if it hadn't been a church wedding.如果不是在教堂举行了婚礼,我还不会觉得已真正结了婚。Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding?你办婚礼想摆桌宴还是提供自助餐?He's so buzzed up about his wedding.他对自己的婚礼感到及其兴奋。We got the news on the morning of the wedding.我们是婚礼那天上午得到消息的。Mr and Mrs James Stephens request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter Caroline Mary to Mr David Smith.詹姆斯·斯蒂芬斯夫妇敬请您莅临小女卡罗琳·玛丽与戴维·史密斯先生的婚礼We're only inviting close family members to our wedding.我们只邀请至亲来参加我们的婚礼They will shed a few tears at their daughter's wedding.他们会在女儿的婚礼上落泪的。They had a destination wedding on a beach in Brazil.他们在巴西沙滩上举办了目的地婚礼She became immersed in planning her nuptials.她一门心思筹备自己的婚礼I knew that the wedding would be a grand affair.我知道婚礼会很隆重。Loud laughter during a wedding ceremony is indecorous.婚礼上狂笑是不得体的。By tradition, it is the bride's parents who pay for the wedding.按照传统由新娘的父母支付婚礼费用。She couldn't resist having a dig at her sister, even on the latter's wedding day.她总是忍不住要挖苦她妹妹一番,甚至在妹妹婚礼那天也不例外。After many postponements, the wedding finally took place.婚礼延期了多次,终于举行了。The wedding was lovely. It was just unfortunate about the rain.婚礼很有意思,只是下雨有些遗憾。Traffic was really heavy, and for a while it was touch and go whether they'd get to the wedding on time.交通很拥挤,有那么一会儿不能确定他们能否准时出席婚礼Have they set a date for the wedding yet?他们婚礼的日子定下来了吗?The wedding was just wonderful.那场婚礼实在是太棒了。We'll have to take out a second mortgage to pay for this wedding!我们将不得不办理第二笔按揭来支付婚礼费用!I want this wedding to be perfect, never mind the cost.我要这场婚礼办得很完美,不要管费用。The film ends with a wedding scene. 这部电影以婚礼场景作为结尾。I would only buy expensive shoes for a special event such as a wedding.只有婚礼之类的特殊场合,我才会买贵的鞋子穿。It rained on their wedding day.他们婚礼那天下雨了。Our schedule is wall-to-wall weddings from June through August. 我们的日程表从六月到八月排满了要去参加的婚礼




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