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词汇 balance of
例句 If independents do end up holding the balance of power, then they decide whether Labor or the Liberals govern for the next four years.如果无党派议员果真取得了举足轻重的地位,那么他们将决定由工党还是自由党来组成下一届四年期政府。Having overpaid the bills, I had a balance of credit in my card.因多付了账单款,我的卡上出现了盈余。Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island.游客常常打乱岛上微妙的生态平衡。The US balance of payments was in deficit.美国的国际收支平衡出现逆差。If he were elected, there would be a tilt in the political balance of the city council. 如果他当选的话,会打破市议会原有的政治平衡。He asked the cashier for the balance of his current account.他向出纳员要他活期存款账户的结单。The current account of the balance of payments is in deficit.目前的收支平衡账目出现赤字。Although the beginning is funny, the balance of the book is very serious.这本书的开头部分很有趣,但后面的内容很严肃。I am satisfied on the balance of probabilities it is appropriate for me to return a verdict of accidental death.我确信根据盖然性占优势的原则,我宣告陪审团的意外死亡裁定是恰当的。Who holds the balance of power in this relationship?在这关系之中,谁居于举足轻重的地位?I think he had the balance of authority, discipline, and kid gloves just about right.我认为他在平衡权威、纪律以及圆通方面做得恰到好处。Disease alters the balance of the human machine.疾病改变了人体器官的平衡。When acid rain falls, it affects the pH balance of the soil.降酸雨会影响土壤的酸碱平衡。There was no other way to ensure that people would get the right balance of foods.没有什么别的方法来保证人们饮食合理均衡。There was a dramatic shift in the balance of power.权力对比发生了戏剧性的改变。They assessed the balance of forces between Israel and other countries.他们评估了以色列与其他国家之间的力量对比。Today, the balance of forces has clearly shifted.现在,力量均势的格局显然发生了改变。A credit balance of $100 was brought forward from his June account.贷方余额100美元是从他6月份的账转来的。Man has managed to wreak havoc on the delicate balance of nature.人类竟然将自然界的微妙平衡摧毁了。The European members are afraid of upsetting the delicate balance of political interests.欧洲成员国害怕会打乱各政治利益集团间的微妙平衡。The war brought about a shift in the balance of power.战争改变了权力均衡的局面。She took her own life when her balance of mind was disturbed.她神经错乱时自杀了。The election of so many Republicans to Congress has changed the balance of power in Washington.这么多的共和党成员入选国会改变了华盛顿的力量均势。A new policy on taxation would upset the political balance of the country.新的税收政策将会打破这个国家的政治平衡。We planned to stay there for the balance of the summer.我们打算在那儿度过余夏。It is the overall balance of the diet that is important.重要的是要保持饮食的整体均衡。The nation's electronics industry made important strides this year to even up its balance of trade.该国的电子产业今年取得了重大进步,平衡了贸易差额。The balance of opinion is on our side.多数人的意见支持我们。Temperature changes could upset the delicate balance of life in the forest.气温变化可能会打乱森林脆弱的生态平衡。It upset the ecological balance of the forest.这破坏了森林的生态平衡。On the balance of probabilities, the pilot suffered a stroke before the crash.综合分析各种可能性后,飞行员很有可能在坠机前突发中风。The European members are afraid of upsetting the delicate balance of political interests.欧洲成员国担心会打乱各政治利益集团之间的微妙平衡。There's a blowout in the balance of payments.存在国际收支差额的井喷。Recent developments have swayed the balance of power in the region.最近的发展使这个地区的实力均势发生了改变。There are warnings that the building of the dam will upset the ecological balance of the river basin.有人警告说,修建这个水坝会破坏河流盆地的生态平衡。Each nation tries to maintain a favorable balance of trade with other countries. 每个国家都尽力同其他国家保持贸易顺差。The beauty of the picture consists in its balance of colors.这幅画的美在于其色彩的调和。Britain's balance of payments deficit has improved slightly.英国的国际收支逆差已略有改善。The balance of public opinion was against the proposal.大多数人的意见是反对这个提议。The law tilts the balance of power towards corporations. 这一法律给予公司更多权力。




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